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Celebrating ACTiZENS On The Eve Of World Environment Day

Author name: Aarushi Pawar

The world is going through a difficult time on multiple fronts – environmental, social, economic, political. We need empathetic and engaged citizens like never before. Sometimes it only takes one tiny spark to ignite a fire of change. Desh Apnayen Sahayog Foundation was set up in 2015 by Vallabh Bhanshali, co-founder of Enam Group, with a deep desire to make India the world’s best democracy. Its flagship programme, called ‘The ACTiZENS’ Club, strives to make students across India alert, informed and active citizens – ACTiZENS.

World Environment Day is around the corner. On the eve of this important occasion, let us read stories of change of some of the students that the organisation works with.

Yuvanshi Modi, a Class 8 student from Pawar Public School, Dombivali, Mumbai shared, “While doing one of the monthly activities of the Club programme, I began feeling guilty about the ways in which I might be contributing to the waste-related problem in the country and that’s when I decided to change. I have started segregating waste now.”

Her schoolmate Anvay Tambe wrote, “Before becoming a member of The ACTiZENS’ Club, I would look at the waste around and say our country is full of waste. But now I pick up the waste and try to create awareness.”

A number of factors have bred a culture of habitual littering in our country. It takes honesty and courage to admit one’s mistakes, and to change one’s behaviours. Here’s a shout-out to three students from Pawar Public School, Kandivali – Jheel Gandhi, Vihaan Mulik and Smayan Panjwani.

When they were asked to narrate the shifts that they may have experienced after taking part in the unique citizenship education programme offered by the organisation, they wrote that they have stopped throwing empty plastic wrappers on the street.

Smayan Panjwani shared, “Earlier, I used to throw the empty chips and chocolate wrappers out of my kitchen window. But after doing one of The ACTiZENS’ Club activities, I decided that I will never do it again. Now I search for a dustbin when I am out and even pick up plastic bottles and packets that are lying on the road and put them in the dustbin. This is my story of change.”

Lesha Jain from Lodha World School, Thane also wrote that earlier when she came across garbage on the street, she ignored it but now she tries to pick it up and throw it in the nearest bin. Her schoolmates Neel Sanghavi and Riya Khandelwal have begun speaking up, gently encouraging litterers to be more responsible. Anushree Koli, from the same school, wrote, “Thanks to the activities, I have realised the importance of little things. I now remember to turn off the lights when not in use.”

The impact of The ACTiZENS’ Club does not seem to be limited to its members alone. Eshita Dhuwad from Lodha World School, Thane has been able to convince her family to minimise their use of plastic, demonstrating how the Club programme’s interventions have sent ripples beyond its primary members. She shared, “Desh Apnayen Foundation has helped me become an ACTiZEN. I now try to stop people from wasting food and electricity. I encouraged my mother to stop using plastic bags.”

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