Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz

A Corporate Culture

Skills and strategy are but all components to stake claim for outshining in the corporate sector depending on your patience and perseverance to walk the extra mile. However my self belief is a long haul in such kind of a setting may sooner or later make you transactional, competitive and instrumental and less subjective hindering the personal and professional life balance. Being unique and superb is something which a person would always look at with great reverence taking away the very sheen of the individual. Maybe for this fact most of millenials are getting jittery of their reward and recognition inducing in them anxiety, chaos, dismay and depression troubling to hold and handle. It is this very trait that is trapping our generation X short sighted with their objectives and goals for a quick path to succeess getting into the skin of it. No doubt engaging with the corporate body offers a lot of insight and focus on various issues, themes and projects assessing and evaluating your obedience to your duty, punctuality and discipline. However, over past few years tectonic changes have come with advancement and upgradation of technology making our lives far far better and simpler to what earlier things stood like. But, in this process the person has lost his lost himself somewhere in the rush staking his individuality, originality and autonomy for something chasing and haunting him forget about channelizing his worth, method and mettle. Dragging down isn’t getting any respite and relief as for the obsession to be the numero uno in all sorts and respects. C,mon people get some life without being terrified and panicked smoking day in and day out isn’t the solution know ????

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