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From Good Grades To Being Social: Why Being A Teenager Is Complicated AF!

Urjaaaa, please start being mature now you are soon going to go to college, Urjaaa please behave yourself you are not an adult yet”. These are some taunts I get to here on daily basis and perhaps most of us hear the same. Being a teenager these days is anything but a piece of cake, we have to do well in academics, maintain our social life and basically live our life to impress others (our teachers and parents) and live up to their expectations.

Not only teachers and parents, nowadays it is very important to FIT IN to become a part of the cool group and be the IT girl. If you don’t fit in the conventional sense of beauty or perhaps don’t follow the the latest pop news you are not cool enough for school, your peers tend to look down upon you. Furthermore, social media platforms like Instagram promote unhealthy beauty trends and demonstrate life in a perfect way (when in reality it is quite the opposite.)

Talking about academics things have become even more difficult now as you are expected to score well in the board exams as well as the CUET and excel in as many domains as possible. Pimples, blackheads are just the tip of the iceberg the real breakouts start when you do not get into your dream college. All your hopes and dreams are shattered into pieces which further affects your self esteem in the long run. Failure along with comparison is a deadly duo and once you score less than your peers you automatically start feeling like a loser, and of course our relatives add more spice to the curry.

To be very honest I am fairly an above average child who works relentlessly hard to make her parents proud but sometimes I ponder upon the fact that there are some children who party, date, drink but still manage to score more than me. How is my hard work different from theirs? Are we not in the same boat? But there one thing which we all have that is DREAMS, I try to keep my dreams alive by igniting the flame of ambition and hard work. There is one thing my mother tells me, Today not might be your day but remember your hard work will pay off one day, the hunger to succeed should always be there. With this I conclude my blog(which was perhaps more of a rant).

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