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I Started Thinking Of Self-Image Vs Public Image In The Cafeteria

Self-image versus public image is the topic came to my mind in cafeteria. Cafeteria is a place what I love the most and I like the most. I am going to leave this place for forever and I am going to miss it badly. I was sitting in front of my friends (I am drawing a public image of myself) and having breakfast with them. for me, I am lost in the thoughts of my own world. I am writing the blog instead of my assingment. I met one of my friend who faculty in university. He told me that you are the happiest person on the planet. I realised that Yes, it is true since I achieved many things in my life despited of having bad situation. I grown up a lot as gaint being.

How I percieve my self talks about my self  image and How people percieve me talks about my public image. I chose the topic to write about this since I find some interesting finding of the topic in my mind. somewhere, It is normal to struggle in life for something and someone. There is always crawing for something and something. It was my realisation from few last days that, I gave a lot power to the things and people to control my self; somewhere my self is nothing, another realisation that I can say “no” to people when I want to say somewhere my self image and self care is everything over anything. 

Let me talk about what I want to have in my life. I want to live my happily and fully indepently; want to leave it as gaint being of the world. hello people, you may ask the questions why do I write like this? Please feel free to post your questions.

People can talk about you negative and positive based on their own assumptions and perceptations. Let me ask few questions; what is the best thing, place or person to describe your self image? let me try to answer the question. for me, blue sky, green garden and many color of tulips can describe myself image. To describe my self image, I chose the name or word “Aditi”. I want you people to continue the blog… let’s try something new… in your life… 

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