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Decoding Media Violence In Popular Culture And Its Effects

Media Violence refers to violence depicted in television programs, video games, and filmmaking. Popular culture generally means a set of beliefs, practices, values, artistic output, and objects that are popular and accepted by society is known as popular culture. Popular culture of media violence can lead to acceptance and glorification of media violence. Both Media Violence and Popular Culture have interconnection because Media violence spread through popular culture as the masses consume it. Fictional violence in media has created a lot of cause and controversy as it has an impact on the masses. The relationship between media violence is watching media violence in movies and behaving violently like movies. There has been a lot of debate and discussion about the media violence. There has been a lot of research and analysis going on media violence as it impacts the behavior of the people who consume media violence.

Media Violence in Popular Culture 

These are examples of media violence in popular culture that lead to the popularity of media violence:

Video games have intensive violence that influences children and makes them violent. Video games lead to changes in the behavior of the children. There has been always debate and discussion on the impacts of video games on the behavior of children. There have been many instances related to violence in children around the world. There have been a lot of studies going on the behavioral effect of video games on children and there have been several reports of negative effects of violence in video games on children.

Wrestling and boxing led to the acceptance of violence in the masses. Kids watch wrestling or boxing and they get influenced. They try to replicate the behavior and follow the violence. For example: There was an experiment done on a man name Philip he was examined by U.S. Crime Statistics for 10 days and televised boxing matches to him. So that they can know about the relationship between media violence and aggression. In the experiment, they discovered that significant rise in homicides during this period.

The movies lead to sensational violence that attracts the masses to watch the violent content The glorification of media violence in the movies makes it more attractive and prevalent The fictional scene in the movie influences the behavior of the masses. Different research has helped a lot to know about the movies that have violent content.

The violent scene in TV shows makes violence prevalent among the masses. TV shows are likely to be influenced by the status of an aggressor The TV shows glamourize violent content in TV shows.

The violence in the lyrics of pop songs is glorified. The violence in the lyrics is in such a way that the violent lyrics led to the violent behavior of the person who consumes the content. The research and analysis have estimated that movies have more violence depicted than video games, TV shows, and music videos.

There were violent cartoons and rhymes which led to changes in the expression and behavior of the children. It makes the behavior of children more aggressive and violent. They were some studies were done to get to know how much violent content impacts behavior and expression Media violence can impact more in childhood because it is the time when children learn behavior.

Popular culture has played an important role in the relevance and acceptance of media violence. In popular culture, they should have censorship or stricter rating guidelines to control media violence.

Effects of Media Violence on Behavior 

There are four effects of media violence on the Behavior who consume the violent content given by Ronald Slaby are:

Aggressor effect: This is the effect that will encourage the person who watches violent content and after watching they will behave violently. In the aggressor effect accepting violence is the only way to solve the problem.

Victim effect: This is the effect in which watching media violence make increased fearfulness in a person. This effect helps to perceive the culture of meanness in a person who watches media violence.

Bystander effect: This is the effect that leads to callousness in which a person starts feeling and showing sympathy for others. This is the effect in which a person who consumes violent content starts accepting violence as normal. The Bystander effect helps to dull the emotion and response to violence and the victim who consumes the violent content.

Appetite effect: This is the effect of media violence which builds a desire to watch more violent content. It can influence physical conditioning speed up heart rate, increase blood pressure and skin conductance.

These four are the effect of media violence on the behavior of the masses who consumes the content of media violence. Some steps should be taken to control media violence in popular culture and its effects on behavior.

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