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Contest On Digital Access: Winners Announced

YKA and Digital Empowerment Foundation recently hosted a writing contest in collaboration with Via News Didi– aimed at spreading awareness around digital rights, safety and inclusion among the youth and especially students in high school and college.

The winners have been declared! The top 10 entries will receive a cash prize of Rs. 3000, along with an e-certificate of participation. The special mention entries will receive an e-certificate of participation.

English Winners

1. Gaur Aayu‘s entry: “The Internet Does Not Discriminate. You Do!” You can read it here.

2. Aishwarya AV Raj‘s entry: “Three Real-Life Stories And A Pragmatic Love Letter To The Internet”. You can read it here.

3. Jia Arora‘s entry: “Digital Access Can Give Marginalised Groups A Breakthrough”. You can read it here.

4. Di‘s entry: “Forget 5G, Even 2G Is A Luxury For Many Indian Students”. You can read it here.

5. Sumaiya Khan‘s entry: “What Babasaheb’s Words Teach About “India’s Digital Apartheid”. You can read it here.

English Special Mentions

1. Saurabh Nanda‘s entry: “No Internet = No User-Generated Innovation“. You can read it here.

2. Anas Dhorajiwala‘s entry: “How Digital Divide Worsens Inequalities In India”. You can read it here.

3. Kshitij Kumar Ojha‘s entry: “Did You Know That The Right To Internet Is A Fundamental Right?“. You can read it here.

4. Markandeya‘s entry: “Sangita Is Smart And So Is Her Phone!” You can read it here.

5. Snehasis Mukhopadhyay‘s entry: “Breaking Barriers: How Internet Is Ensuring Education Equity For India” You can read it here.

Hindi Winners

1. Kunal Tiru‘s entry: “डिजिटल पहुँच के लिए जरूरी है सस्ता इंटरनेट और सामुदायिक भागीदारी”. You can read it here.

2. Adv Durgesh‘s entry: “इंटरनेट के प्रति झुकाव मेरी मजबूरी थी, पर आज उसी से कमा रही हूँ”. You can read it here.

3. Abhishek Kumar Tripathi‘s entry: “आजीवन जरूरी है डिजिटल लिटरेसी और इंटरनेट का सदुपयोग.” You can read it here.

4. Diya Arya‘s entry: “गांवों में दलित और बहुजनों का इंटरनेट तक पहुँच तय करती सवर्ण जातियाँ”. You can read it here.

5. Bimal Raturi‘s entry: ““डिजिटल डिवाइड दूर करने सरकार, निजी संस्थाएं और समाज आगे आए.” You can read it here.

Hindi Special Mentions

1. SYEDSTAUHEED‘s entry: “सभी को समान शिक्षा देने में कारगर साबित हो सकती है इंटरनेट”. You can read it here.

2. Taniya Tannu‘s entry: “हमारे बच्चे भी इंटरनेट से अंजान हैं, कब तक इस वजह से पिछड़ते रहेंगे?.” You can read it here.

3. Seema Mehta‘s entry: “लड़के दिन भर फेसबुक करते हैं पर हमारी पढ़ाई तक छूट जाती है”. You can read it here.

4. Neelam Grundy‘s entry: “हमें इंटरनेट के लिए पहाड़ियों पर जाना पड़ता है, पर लोग ताने देते हैं.” You can read it here.

5. Manisha Jhalaan‘s entry: “हर घर, हर गाँव तक इंटरनेट के लिए जरूरी है एक्शन प्लान.” You can read it here.

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