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Is The “Baggage Of Success” Too Heavy To Carry?

What do you mean by carrying a baggage of success ? So, it means that you carry a burden of your achievements in your life with you all the time that you are very cautious or afraid before taking a new step in your life and it turns out to be a bane for you rather than a boon .You are afraid of taking risks in your life because of your  past achievements which stops you from overcoming the boundaries of your capabilities.

Such people can never stand straight and aim for the new goal in their lives and always take a step back when it comes to doing something new and unpredictable which can lead to a failure in their lives. Our bollywood celebrities are a good example of such people. They think hundred times before giving their opinions on topics which are relevant in today’s time. They are always afraid of saying something which can cause any trouble for them because they always carry the baggage of their success with them.

In an interview, Priyanka Chopra Jonas was asked that renowned celebrities like Shahrukh khan , Salman Khan and Aamir khan don’t want to work in hollywood movies because feel that they are very comfortable in the bollywood industry and they don’t want to explore or start from scratch in another country but why did she move to hollywood and started from scratch when she was not even offered the leading roles like she used to get here in India ? She replied by saying that she never take the baggage of her success along with her while doing something new.

And in my opinion, she is absolutely right. Why should we get stressed about people’s judgements about what we do next in our lives if we have full faith in our hard work and if  we are confident enough to succeed at what we are going to do even after taking a risk ? It’s absolutely alright even if we fail because failures are a stepping stone in our lives and they always teach us something which will help us move ahead in our lives and become a better version of ourselves.

But we are always taught by our elders to play safely  in our lives. If a child goes to his parents and tell them that he wants to be a cricketer , his parents smile and then don’t take it seriously because here in India, we have this mindset that only focusing on our studies and getting a good job in a company can give us a good life because there is a job security.

We don’t want our children to take risks in their life because we are so afraid that they won’t be able to handle the failures. This  is the reason because of which we have this element of fear in our mind after we achieve a lot in our lives because we have been brought up in such environment where risk taking is not encouraged at all and you always carry the baggage of your past achievements with you. 

You know it’s true that people who don’t have anything to lose are the ones who have the courage to do anything new  which they want to. While those who have achieved even a bit in their lives are full of fear of losing that because many of them don’t have full faith in themselves. I know that it’s not easy to achieve success  in one’s life but it’s more difficult to maintain your success because many a times it stops you from overcoming your boundaries of limits. 

So, let’s not carry this baggage of our success  with us all the times which can hamper our growth further in our lives and just think about what has to be done next rather than what had been already done. Let’s focus on our future goals and try to achieve them fearlessly .It just requires a change in our mindset. So, let’s try to bring that change in us.

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