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“Njan Marykutty” Highlights The Challenges Faced By The Transgender Community


In 2018, Ranjith Sankar released the drama film “Njan Marykutty ” in the Malayalam language. The tale of Marykutty, a trans woman portrayed by Jayasurya, is told in the film. Despite prejudice and scorn from her family and society, Marykutty perseveres in her quest to become a woman. The film gives an honest and emotional account of the difficulties the LGBTQ+ population in India faces.The first scene of the movie shows Marykutty being questioned by the police. She has had a sex reassignment procedure and is now known to be transgender. The narrative then goes back to Marykutty’s early years, when we witness her being teased and humiliated by members of her own family for acting effeminately. Marykutty decides to have the operation anyhow since she is determined to become a woman despite the persistent pestering. She encounters even more prejudice after the operation, and her own relatives and friends shun her.

(the above picture is from Etimes, Google)

The biases and ignorance that the transgender population encounters in India are well-captured in the film. Society is unable to comprehend that one’s gender identity is a personal decision and cannot be forced upon them. The complicated interactions Marykutty has with her family members are also explored in the movie. Suraj Venjaramoodu, who plays her mother, is initially opposed to her but later changes her mind and supports her. But Innocent, who plays her father, maintains his staunch conservatism and won’t acknowledge her as his child. He struggles to accept her identity, and Marykutty’s relationship with her brother, played by Joju George, is also tense.As Marykutty, Jayasurya gives a superb and compelling portrayal. He does a good job of capturing the agony and vulnerability that the trans community experiences. He also captures Marykutty’s fortitude and tenacity as she persists in fighting against all barriers to become the person she wants to be. Suraj Venjaramoodu, who sensitively and nuancedly portrays Marykutty’s mother’s mixed emotions, stands out among the supporting actors for giving great performances. Important topics including gender identity, prejudice, and acceptance are covered in the film. It emphasises the necessity for society to be more accommodating of those who don’t fit into stereotypical gender roles. The film also dispels common misconceptions about the LGBTQ+ community and demonstrates that they have the same aspirations, frustrations, and goals as everyone else.

The movie’s technical accomplishments merit recognition as well. The stunning Kerala scenery is well captured by S. Kumar’s cinematography, and Anand Madhusoodanan’s music is upbeat and heartfelt. Sagar Das’s editing of the film, which fluidly transitions between the past and the present while tying Marykutty’s trip into the wider social issues at stake, is also noteworthy.Overall, “Njan Marykutty” is a strong and emotional movie that highlights the difficulties the transgender minority in India faces. By depicting the suffering and ecstasy that come with living genuinely, the movie does a fantastic job of humanising the trans experience. The movie will undoubtedly have an impact on the audience and, ideally, contribute to a society that is more welcoming and accepting. In my view, ‘Njan Marykutty’ movie should be seen by everyone in order to know what one really goes through when mistreated and not respected. The movie opens up the mindsets of the community in order to support and let them live amongst us as one of us peacefully. 

(Picture used by the author for demonstrative purpose)

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