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Youth’s Life Is Getting Destroyed From Over-Spending

Today’s expenses are skyrocketing. Every one of the people in the entire world is facing the challenges of meeting end needs. The younger generation of this 22nd century is living life with the burden of EMIs, home loans, and personal loans on their shoulders. They owe a lot of money to lenders, relatives, and other financial institutions.

Imagine the life of an adult who has just begun experiencing his 20s having to spend working in the corporate world just to fulfill his family’s needs, personal expenses, and endless loans. Every age group’s life has changed significantly over the past ten years as a result of widespread internet access, technical advances, and an increase in the excessive usage of smart devices (such as smartphones, laptops, and PCs). However, the burden of spending too much on your monthly income is something that we are facing, and unfortunately got stuck in it.

Tell me with full awareness, and correct me if I am wrong. When was the last time when you were peacefully enjoying your moment of life with your loved ones without you having zero stress and tension free? We all have many problems in our lives. We are not so happy that we pretend to be happy living. We are all becoming indebted to each other. Someone is indebted to someone from our family. The Brother is in debt to his siblings, the son is in debt to his parents, parents are in debt to relatives or some outsider. This is the most difficult time and situation that middle-class people like us are passing through.

Last 10 to 20 years ago, perhaps my life did not seem as difficult as it seems to me today. I have forgotten what joy, laughter, and, most importantly, mental and emotional bliss all mean in the context of life. While you and I may seem to be happy from the outside, on the inside, we are being drowned deeper and deeper in a sea of emotions, challenges, and sadness. No one can fathom how full all this is inside us.

Ever since people have started connecting with the world of the internet and technology, more people have started getting away from each other. From then onwards, our insecurities have grown to such an extent that we begin to think too much about our future, getting a high-paying job, and living a lavish life. This is a harsh reality that everyone becomes ignorant even after knowing it or are we all too naive to understand this difficult time of life?

Sometimes you ask yourself this question after 5 to 10 years will my world remain the same as it is today or I will improve or bring some change in myself? We all want to become rich, and to achieve this purpose; it doesn’t matter to us if we have to work with someone, which 95% of people do to fulfill their financial goals. However, we are working aimlessly and forgetting how much we have lost from our youth and the happiness that we once shared with our family members.

It is with great sadness that I have to say that when people came in contact with each other, they needed each other. Earlier it was a golden time when people used to understand each other’s feelings without using mobile or social media. Experiment one day and see that you will be able to pass a day without using social media sites like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and much more. I can say with certainty that we will not be able to live a single day without social media platforms.

Problems are not only with the internet but also with those financial institutions responsible for making people indebted. Don’t know how many banks use ads and marketing tactics to convince customers to take credit cards and loans. Many calls come to apply for Jeevan Bhima Scheme or Health Insurance Scheme or Accidental Scheme.

It is because of this that inflation does not end. Not everyone can fulfil their needs. The prices of gas cylinders, crude oil, groceries, and meat have grown so much higher these days. In every small and big shop and mall that you see, there is a high price tag on every kind of home, electronics, and other appliance product. So tell from where the common man will be able to survive. Any responsible father like me how would be able to think of something good for his child’s future now when there is such inflation.

Therefore, how would this serious problem be solved? The only solution is to reduce the expenses. If you want to buy a good expensive watch, car, or electric bike, do not take it in this time of recession. Make the most of the vehicle you have with you. If not then buy cheap pre-owned cars or bikes.

Avoid overspending on anything you intend to buy. Credit cards don’t just use it all. Burn these cards and throw them away. Avoid using those credit cards of such banks which impose penalty charges and 30 to 40% interest rates for non-payment of deposits.

Do not overeat in outdoor restaurants and hotels. Don’t buy expensive new clothes. Spread your feet as much as you have a sheet. Learn to manage with the least expenditure. There may be a lot of difficult times in the coming year. So save money as much as possible.

As far as technology is concerned, it depends on us how we use it. It is true that without technology nothing is possible. Every work which traditional machines or normal humans are not doing can be carried out by tech efficiently. Yet when people become overly dependent on technology and put too much trust in it, it causes them to become careless, reckless, and valueless.

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