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5 Things The Indian Education System Will Never Teach Us About

Education of girls

TW- Mentions Suicide

India has been a country that’s popular because of corruptancy. Every corrupt official and even the Government wants taxes from the public but no one can do anything for the country. It’s easy to say that we want to do this or that but no one in India deserves to become an IAS officer until they have humanity. The Indian education system has a lot of flaws and here are some criticisms that are required to be addressed as follows:

1. Get A Goverment Job

It’s a very popular thing that people study in India just to get a degree and a job. In India, people are taught responsibility towards parents but no one teaches responsibility towards society. It’s okay to be responsible towards family but there should be some social responsibility. The Indian education system doesn’t teach social responsibility to the people. One should study in order to identify capability and not to just get a job. Many officials who are conducting interviews of IAS and IPS should actually take a humanity test of the officials as the country seems to be in wrong hands. Goverment Job should be reserved for those who don’t see the perks but the responsibility of the society.

2. The Differences Between A Boy And A Girl

Another flaw detected in the Indian education system and that’s the difference between Boy and girl.  People are considered educated in India if they know how to sign a check or a document. Firstly, education is about Changing perception and many families in India still abandon girl child just because they want a boy. Even a girl can become self independent and handle a family. Those families who are blessed with a girl are married which is again a flaw that girls cannot take care of families. 

3. National Language Embarrassment

In school and college, English language is a class as those who know how to speak English are considered to be professional in the corporate world. English is a communication language but thing is that every language is important in India. Don’t ever judge a person because he or she doesn’t know English as every language and culture has importance in India. Every time professors are like “why are giving presentation in hindi? Can’t you speak English?”. Here a criticism is that if a guy can explain something in a language then there should be no question on what language he or she is speaking.

4. Lack Of Humanity

Indians are taught to run behind the money and not behind the humanity. Everything is money for many people but humanity is important. If a road victim will die then no one will help and many people will ignore. Goverment and corrupt legal system are responsible but equally citizens of India are also responsible. In this way, we are not making our country a bad place but we are showing that our country is full of uneducated people to other foreign countries.  The Indian education system is privatised and businesses are benefiting from this and not the students. There should be no right given to authorities to establish a private profit organisation. Non profit organisations should be encouraged more than fake colleges.

5. Mental Health Issues

Many students are comitting suicides just because they can’t pass the toughest exam in India. A question to the Government and the educational authorities is that why there is no mental health centre that can prevent depression of students? Mental health is an issue because of the Indian education system that has failure to educate people. Stop blaming students for just failure of one exam because everyone has different capabilities but education system cannot recognise it as it can only earn profits. 

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