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India’s G20 Era Signals Strong Public Appreciation

How does it all unfold? 

Whenever i talk about the various policy matters and public governance specifics, what comes to my mind at the first instance is the question of how it’s getting tackled. For any country, the most important aspect of outreach and diplomacy remains international image. India upheld the presidency on 1 December, 2022 and the respective troika of Indonesia, India and Brazil proved to be very much compatible. 

The fact that we’ve already replaced Britain as the fifth largest economy in the world and the anticipatedly-true assumptions of it replacing Japan as the second largest in Asia already is speaking volumes about our vigour and strength at the Public and international fora. What remains to broach is a positive approach as we embrace this year’s summit and make sure we play our part well. 

What exactly is the G20?

G20 stands for the ‘group of 20’ developing countries and is one of the foremost organisations handling international issues of economy and policymaking. It was founded in 1999 as a platform to discuss on financial issues after the infamous Asian financial crisis and has since then experienced everything but lagging behind. It currently represents 85% of the global GDP and about 75% of global trade, Startling figures for just one organisation to handle and it’s doing all of it so well! 

It’s basically a package, of opportunities, growth, equal representation, quality discussions on issues of relevance and an ever expanding body! 

What can be the possible outcome? 

The very fact that we’ve economically surpassed a lot of developed economies and continue to be a strong soft power has also revealed challenges. It might be just another ball game for us or the international community but what’s more important is the public association with this feeling. People who regularly follow news and international updates are beyond chuffed to see the level of progress we’ve already made globally. 

India is not just progressing, it’s constantly rising, above all! 

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