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10 YKA Women Creators Taking On Patriarchy, One Post At A Time

On this International Women’s Day, we want to celebrate and honour all the women of the YKA community for their incredible creativity, intelligence, and strength. You inspire us with your words and your stories, and we are so grateful to have you as part of our community.

Your voices matter and your words have the power to change the world. Keep writing, keep sharing your stories, and keep standing up for what you believe in.

These are eight voices from the community, who have spoken on a range of issues and taken on patriarchy, one post at a time! Read their pieces and read what they have to say to their fellow women, their readers and the world in general! <3

1. Aditi Tulsyan

“Various forms of injustice occurring in our safe spaces like schools, workplaces, homes often remain invisible and ignored. I believe it’s crucial to speak out about these issues that matters to us. Each of our voices matters, and bringing unjust experiences to light is important.”

2. Simran Mendon

This Women’s Day, I want you to liberate yourselves. Free yourself from the the constraints of biological sex; free your bodies and mind and move toward liberation. Question patriarchy, and heterosexuality. Question your own households, workplaces, friends, and lovers. Love yourself to the point of exhaustion.

3. Karthika Nair

No more giving in, bowing down, or adjusting. Instead, feed your intellect to develop into a strong advocate for a generation.”

4. Nishtha Kawrani

“Feminism is not about making women strong. Women are already strong. It is about changing the way the world perceives that strength. -G.D. Anderson

My strength is my passion for expression, and the fearlessness to be opinionated and share that voice with everyone. I learned it all through some beautiful, hardworking, and valiant women around me, and always dream to be like them. Writing makes me feel empowered, liberated, and real. The community of YKA and my lovely readers have been my strength and support system for a long time. With the right platform and endearing audience, I got the zeal to be better every single day and for that, I will forever be grateful. Happy Women’s Day.” 

From top left: Nupur, Karthika, Srilekha, Aditi, Simran, Smriti, Nishtha and Sadaf.

5. Nupur Jain

Thank you all for being aware readers in this world of sheeps. Keep up the critical and rational approach and keep questioning things that don’t fit your logic. And more importantly, remember that you are appreciated and acknowledged for your support.”

6. Sadaf Shabir

On this International Women’s Day, I want to take a moment to honor your resilience and courage in the face of inequalities and prejudices that continue to plague our society. Despite the challenges you face, you have continued to persevere and make strides towards equality and justice. But the road ahead is still long and arduous. Women in India still face discrimination, violence, and systemic oppression on a daily basis. The struggle for equality is ongoing, and it requires your unwavering commitment and trength to overcome the obstacles in your path.

I urge you to continue to fight against the injustices that threaten your rights and well-being. Refuse to be silenced or marginalized by those who seek to limit your potential. Stand up for yourself and for other women who are facing similar struggles. Remember that you are not alone in this fight. You have the support and solidarity of countless other women who are working towards the same goal. Together, we can create a society that values and respects women, a society that is truly just and equal.

So, on this Women’s Day, I urge you to keep moving forward with strength and determination. Your voices matter, your stories matter, and your experiences matter. Let us work together to create a world where women can thrive and flourish without fear or discrimination.

7. Smriti Malhotra

Though it’s International Women’s Day, my readers are both men and women and I would like to address both of them. At the outset, I would like to pay immense gratitude to all my readers for acknowledging and appreciating my work.

Every reader is special in their own way to me. To be honest, I had a great fear of being judged in the initial days of blogging/writing but now I don’t. People will speak anyhow, whether you do good or bad. Never suppress yourself because of others. You have one life and live it on your terms. Go all out and be the human you want to be!!

A big salute to all the women out there. You only know the challenges you face everyday and you still stand strong like a rock. Embrace yourself always. Happy International Women’s Day!!

Keep reading, keep giving love!!

8. Srilekha Mitra

“As a woman who is a resident of patriarchal society, I still face discrimination based on my gender and all the woman despite the fourth wave of feminism are still marginalized yet it’s unfortunate to declare that throughout my life, I have found women around me more patriarchal than men, women ingrained patriarchy so much that they can’t let other women enjoy the freedom of which they were deprived, I feel it’s high time to change this psychology for the sake of women empowerment and equality.”

9. Uttirna

Uttirna has spoken about the archaic ways society is still stuck in, and how young women navigate these everyday realities.

10. Fariha Mubashir

One of the harsh realities of our society is that crimes against women have not reduced, nor has any progress been made to prevent them. While women are achieving valuable positions and equality to men on one side, on the other side, they are facing humiliation and insults on open streets. 8th March is the only day when we talk about women’s pain, sacrifices, struggles, and success. But what steps are taken by the governments throughout the rest of the year to punish those who commit crimes against women?

Women’s success stories always bring smiles to the faces of working-class women. Only specific women are able to make headlines about their success and struggles. People talk about them, and their families feel proud. However, people only talk about their success and not the struggles they faced. Every single woman has her own story about her life, struggles, and suffering that led to her success. And every story is different from another. International Women’s Day is not just about marking women’s pain but also celebrating their success. We need to change the mentality of society regarding the importance and value of women. Some incidents show that illiteracy and backward minds still exist.

On International Women’s Day, I want to salute and show solidarity with all those ordinary women who are suffering due to societal restrictions and traditions but still standing for themselves. It’s commendable that you are living your own life and not depending on others.

I also want to salute the women who are struggling and living happy lives with their families, not running behind the world to make a name for themselves. These women are nothing but our mothers.

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