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Vadh: An Underappreciated Movie About The Lives Of Helpless Parents

I didn’t killed him , I slayed a demon

 An underappreciated movie depicts the lives of helpless parents . Started the movie with the thought of a movie based on parents being cheated and their struggle but ended up with the plot twist of a muder. A murder committed in her honor to safeguard a child, a muder for her.

Why do people want children? Why they want to be parents? The movie opens up with a parent who did each and every thing for their children but ended up being alone and helpless. They took loan and even broke their fd so that their son can go to America . A straightforward teacher who provided his son with every comfort despite having struggled his entire life. What a parent ask for ? They only want their children to succeed in their life and when they get old his/her children will be there to take care of them at their last time . I guess this is all what a parent want from their children. They sacrifice for their children and in return what they get, nothing .

The plot twist

 The teacher or the master who was in debt ended killing a man . He had to pay the loan and with interest but what his earning were insufficient to pay the loan . The plot twisting scene was when the master killed the lender . He killed him to save a 12 year old girl child from the demon ,to protect him from being raped. killing someone is not acceptable but a man who looks at a small 12 year old girl to satisfy his sexual desire , he should be punished not only in the movie but in reality. He ought to prisoned till death. A monster like them shouldn’t be left alone in the society. He is a threat for the society and humanity.

Underestimating a common man

When the lender Pandey ji was gone missing the police investigated the teacher but they underestimated him . By reading the novel he managed to escape from the case. He killed him and destroyed the evidences and he learnt all this tricks from a magazine.

Our society is not safe for a women not for a girl . Even few month old girl child is raped, who will protect them when their attacker is present in their home. There is no such punishment for a rapist. The government is blindfolded they don’t see what is happening with a girl child . Yes there are rules and small punishment for the devil’s but they either pay the police and escape or they are from a family with powers to shut down the mouth of the system or the victim family. There is no such place where a girl is safe and live her life without any insecurity .

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