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This Valentine’s Day, Keep In Mind That Mental Health Is Important

It’s that time of year again, when we celebrate the power of love and the strength it brings to our relationships. On the other hand, it’s also important to remember to prioritise our well-being and care for ourselves.

The concept of Valentine’s Day is to show love and appreciation to those who are special to you. It is a time for people to express their feelings and celebrate their relationships. The main reason why people celebrate Valentine’s Day is to express their love and affection to their significant others. It is also a time for them to show their appreciation and gratitude towards their partners. The scale of the occasion known as Valentine’s Day, which is observed every year on February 14, has gotten bigger each year. In addition to being a day dedicated to a Christian martyr, it has also expanded to encompass a week. Some of the most popular days that are associated with the Valentine’s Day include Propose Day, Rose Day, and Love Day.

Besides the usual questions about their relationship status, singles also face various other challenges on Valentine’s Day. These include dealing with the societal pressures around being single, as well as the media portrayal of being single as akin to being on your own. This can additionally contribute to the feelings of loneliness and loss.

Regardless of whether one is in a relationship or single, Valentine’s Day can affect everyone. For some, it serves as a reminder that they don’t have a special someone. Valentine’s Day can also make them feel bad about their social skills or anxieties.

Embracing self-love on Valentine’s Day

Regardless of one’s viewpoint, February 14 can still represent the importance of human connection and togetherness, even for those who don’t celebrate. People from all walks of life have a need to express their feelings. Whether they are from a different culture, age, or religion, love and romance have universal appeal.

Emotions such as happiness, loneliness, and excitement can be experienced on this day like love. For some people, especially those who are still single, it can be an opportunity to reflect and self-evaluate. You can overcome these thoughts by making the most of this special occasion. Experts in mental health stated that we often think about how we receive love from others. Unfortunately, this often leads to us forgetting that our love for ourselves is as important as our love for others. On Valentine’s Day, it is important to remember that you are capable of doing something great. You can show that by being present and loving yourself. You can also make a difference in someone’s life by sharing your feelings and thoughts.

It can be hard to love yourself naturally. We tend to be our own worst critics, which can make it hard to feel good about ourselves.

If I know someone who is going through an emotional trauma, how can I support them? This is especially true around Valentine’s Day or any other special occasion?

While it is not always possible to anticipate what people will need, it is helpful to check in with someone who has experienced an interpersonal trauma, such as PTSD, on Valentine’s Day. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can often lead to high levels of guilt, shame, and blame. Listening and empathy are crucial to helping individuals cope.

We tend to try to blame others for their actions instead of listening to and validating their pain. This is why it is important to be respectful of people who are experiencing pain. You can also ask them how they would like to be supported.

Some people mark their first Valentine’s Day following the death of a significant other. What can they do to make it easier?

The first few moments following a death can be very painful. Since Valentine’s Day is all about romantic love, it can be especially difficult to deal with the loss of a loved one. To prevent the pain, it is important that you have a plan ahead of time.

You may also decide to be alone, be with others who love you, or have various options depending on how you feel. Some people observe traditions, others create new ones. While it can be beneficial for some to celebrate the life of a loved one on certain occasions, it is still important to do something that will support your emotional needs.

It is important for people to celebrate love with their families, friends, or pets. But, is it healthy to do this?

Besides Valentine’s Day, people should also celebrate love in other ways, as it can help improve one’s physical and mental health and ward off loneliness. Human beings are naturally connected, and this is why it’s important to encourage connection.

Reflecting on the things that went wrong in the previous situation can help you make better decisions the next time around. Eating well and moving every day are crucial, but they don’t have to be accompanied by intense exercise. Instead, try incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet.

How can one cope with the feelings of isolation or loneliness on Valentine’s Day, or any other day?

The hype surrounding Valentine’s Day can have a negative effect on individuals’ mental health. People in relationships might feel pressured to spend money on gifts while those who are single might feel that their lives are incomplete without a partner. This can cause people to feel depressed and anxious.

One of the most effective ways to avoid feeling alone on this special day is to take some time out of your schedule to spend with yourself. Doing so will allow you to express your love and connect with yourself. Activities such as reading a book or taking a bath can help you relax and feel better about yourself.

One can avoid loneliness on the special day by getting in touch with your friends. Whether you are at home, over the phone or through video chat, being with those who make your day a joy can help you reassess your thoughts on a certain situation. You can also reach for loved ones or those in dire need, and these actions can lift your spirits.

If you’re struggling with feelings that are out of control, it’s important to seek professional help. A psychologist can be a great resource for helping you manage your emotions. Talking to a trained specialist can help you find ways to improve your mood.

It is important to remember that this holiday is only a one-day event, and it does not measure your self-worth or reflect on how much you love yourself. Instead, celebrate the love that you have for yourself each day.

During this time of year, it’s also important to celebrate the things that bring us joy. It can be a great way to spend time with friends and family and connect with individuals who make our lives worth living.

*Deepika Mayanglambam is a Wellness Professional, Founder of Freedom From Mental Illness (FFMI). She is a recipient of “Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Memorial Award” from the OBC commission, Govt of NCT Delhi . She can be reached at 

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