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What I Am Doing To Fight Climate Change (And What You Can Do)

We all know how we are all suffering from climate change nowadays.

In India, where I stay, it seems like the climate has changed now. So, in India, the climate was not actually that hot (as it was last year, in the summer); you can say that it was kind of moderate; but last year in 2022 in India, it was almost difficult to go out, it was really very hot here. Also, not only in India has the temperature increased, but in other countries, the temperature has also increased. Also, during the winter, especially in January this year in 2023, we have also suffered from cold waves in some regions of northern India.

Recent Issues Due to Climate Change:

As per some recent news reports, it says that in most of countries this year, the climate has drastically changed and the temperature has increased compared to earlier. For example, Wikipedia says that in June 2022, a persistent heat wave affected parts of Central, Southern, and Western Europe. The affected countries include Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Let’s understand the climate change issue in detail:

What is climate change?

As per, “climate change” refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil, and gas), which produce heat-trapping gases.

In simple words, “climate change” basically refers to the gradual change in weather and climate due to global warming, pollution, or human activities.

Why Should We Act for Climate Change?

Well, we all know the change in our climate can affect our lives; let’s know HOW?

Here are the issues related to climate change listed below:

1. Due to excessive heat on our planet, our ice glaciers may end up melting. As the ice will melt, the water level will go up, which may result in floods, and microbes that were trapped inside the ice may now cause various diseases.

2. Due to climate change, temperatures around the world may rise, eventually causing global warming. This may impact our health as well.

3. There’s a possibility that it may be difficult to grow any sort of food crop, as due to high temperatures, soil may become infertile, which can cause droughts as well.

4. Less food means more poverty, hence making the poverty line rise to a peak.

Simple things that we can do to overcome climate change (solutions):

• Save more and more energy

• Plant more trees around.

• Use clean energy

• Try eating more veggies rather than animal products.

• Save water.

• Recycle or reuse waste

• Get or provide quality education.

Moreover, there are various acts or treaties made by organisations like the United Nations, etc.

Now, let’s learn about a treaty called the Paris Agreement Temperature Goal. This treaty was made regarding the climate change issue.

What is the Paris Agreement temperature goal?

As per, the Paris Agreement temperature goal is to keep global warming “well below 2 °C” and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5 °C. This goal provides clear guidance that the maximum level of warming should be as far below 2 °C as possible, and that limiting it to 1.5 °C would significantly reduce risks and impacts.

My Climate Action as a Climate Activist:

I have started a project called SAVE & PLANT TREES (link:, and through this project, I have been creating awareness among people to save and plant more trees. Also, I’m planting trees myself as well. I wanted to plant over a million trees around the world.


Well, to make this effort successful, we all must act now; our actions are very, very important!

Remember, climate change is an issue not only for me; it’s an issue for everyone.

For our better future and for our mother earth, we must ensure that we are taking actions in our daily lives.

Climate Change is an issue which can be reversed if we act together.

It is essential to save our planet earth and remember we only have the earth as our home.

The earth is the planet whom we call our mother earth. Therefore, it is our responsibility to protect it and preserve it and also most importantly to respect it by heat.

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