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Childhood: “Reminiscing The Golden Times”

poetry childhood

This piece is about a time when a small amount of money could buy lots of goods(which children love). It is about my childhood days. When one rupee would give you four toffees. It is a tale of those times. Getting one rupee from our parents meant lots of fun and enjoyment which could even be shared with friends.

Getting five rupees from them was like getting some sort of prize or winning a lottery. It would allow me to have a small party. It is strange or surprising how small things brought so much happiness to us kids growing up during those times. Those were simpler times. Life was also slow as compared to nowadays.

There was no hurry and no smartphone or internet to keep us kids or adolescents hooked. We enjoyed playing with our friends after coming from school and enjoyed talking to our neighbors. People were a lot more friendly with each other and life was a lot more relaxed and tension free.

If you too have such experiences or memories from your childhood days, then do comment on my post sharing your experience with me. Until then enjoy the trips down memory lane!

The featured image is for representation purposes only.
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