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Have A New Year’s Resolution? Here Is How You Can Stick To Them!

Happy New Year! As the new year begins, many people look for new year’s resolutions and ways to better their lives. It’s a great start, but before you know it, the enthusiasm for change fades away. So, what is a fail-safe method to not succumb to failure? There actually isn’t one. There are, however, ways to keep yourself in check as the year progresses. Here are some reminders to keep you on track, as well as an action plan to help you maintain better habits throughout the year.

Put It On The Calendar 

Life is busy, and we oftenly bite off more than we can chew. When I put something on my calendar, it always seems to get done. The universe conspires for that action to take place once it is scheduled in my calendar. In other words, I am reminded and alerted, and it does not go unnoticed, and implementation is more likely. For example, when I want to plan a dinner with a friend. We can mention it a thousand times, but unless we set a date and scribble it in our calendars as a reminder, we will most likely overlook the event. The safest option is to jot it down and welcome the reminders.

Divide Your Year Into Quarters

A year is 365 days, 12 months, and 52 weeks. It appears to be infinitely long. It’s difficult to imagine the year being over when it’s only January. But, alas, in a blink of an eye, it’s New Years Eve and you find yourself saying “where did the year go”. To keep the year from slipping away, I divide it into four quarters: winter, spring, summer, and fall. I like to forecast short-term goals within each quadrant. It appears less overwhelming this way, and goals appear more attainable. Furthermore, the three-month time frame helps me stay on track. Setting goals for each section is a great way to stay on track.

Have An Action Plan 

Having an action plan is the best way to achieve the best results. Ask yourself what you want to achieve and work backwards from there. For example, suppose you want to save money to buy a house in early 2024. Determine how much money you will require for this endeavour and make a plan. You can use the aforementioned strategy to divide your year into quarters and meet your financial goals in order to eventually buy the house. Having an action plan and working backwards to achieve it is a great way to meet your goals gradually.

Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

Keep your New Year’s Resolutions attainable and realistic. If they are too far-fetched, they will most likely be carried over to the following year. Make your goals small and enjoy the small victories. Before you know it, those minor gains will have helped you cross the finish line. We can’t and shouldn’t change who we are overnight. We can, however, adopt the mindset of becoming better versions of ourselves each year. Not just every year, but also every month and week. It is a journey rather than a destination.

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