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How Ola Regained Customer Loyalty Yet Again

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Today, Ola, a leading ride-hailing service provider, has been credited with resolving a contentious issue within 5 days. It all started last week when Ola announced a significant hike in fares due to increased fuel prices. This move sparked a wave of outrage amongst customers who felt that the fares were too high.

However, Ola quickly responded to the uproar and announced a discounted fare structure within two days. This move was widely welcomed by customers who felt that Ola had taken the right step in resolving the matter.

The company has also been lauded for its quick response to customers’ concerns. It was the first ride-hailing service provider to respond to customers’ grievances and take corrective action within such a short time. The company’s decision to reduce fares at such short notice has won it many admirers.

Customers have praised the company for listening to their concerns and taking corrective action in such a short time. The incident has also highlighted the importance of customer feedback. Ola has demonstrated that customer feedback is essential for any business to grow and succeed.

Overall, Ola deserves immense credit for resolving the issue of the money hike in such a short time. The company has not only taken corrective action but has also shown that customer feedback is essential for any business to succeed. We, as customers, would like to thank Ola for resolving the issue and charging the discounted fares.

Mr. Prathik Jain thanked for resolving the issue to Yamini Priya, Khalida Albadri & Ola electric for resolving the issue. Special Thanks to Satendra Yadav for helping Mr.Prathik Jain.

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