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Poem: “Dear Men, Who Claim To Be Feminists”

What if someone goes to the world of the dead

And comes back with a message in his hand

What would it say?

It says the World of the Dead is a world full of regrets!

When I look at the Congress family I lie with my mouth wide open

For many a years, a single family had ruled this entire nation

Power never escaped this family, it stayed in the boundaries of their home

Like a pet dog and they did with it as they pleased

Dear parents, you can’t just manufacture toxic males

And unleash them into society, like stray dogs

Am also wondering, empowering women is just one segment of

The circle, feminism, we should also train men to treat women right

For women does not exist in vacuum, they live among men

Like lambs among vicious wolves,

Am also wondering, empowering women requires creation of

Safe spaces for women, that implies training men to treat women right

For no man is born evil, every mother cries when her child dies

Who would have thought, that a lovely rose petal like baby

Would metamorphosize into a thicket of thorns one day

Who filled the child’s head with all the wrong narratives?

Note :- That leaves me with this question then whose job it is to train men to treat women right? Not the job of women ofcourse, we can’t expect them to babysit grown men. Then whose job it is? 

It is the job of men who profess adherence to feminism, Justice and Equality, those men who claim to be feminists if they fail to raise young men, who doesn’t know how to treat women right, are the hypocrites of the highest order!

Start with your family first! Because any society is made up of families!

I firmly believe there is room for men in feminism, they have a social responsibility in creating safe spaces for women, dear men who claim to be feminists, you have the responsibilty of training other young men, in treating all women right! 

The featured image is for representation purposes only. Image credit- Unsplash
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