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Acharya Rajneesh Osho

Acharya Rajneesh Osho was a renowned maverick mystic who with his unusual and unconventional wisdom and thoughts went beyond reason, rationality and moral to a level from where you totally transform into a superconscious soul deeply mesmerized by the turn of transformation within you. Where being ugly and fair loose its relevance and sheen with the individual individually responsible for what he actually aims and aspires. Sadly, there isn’t much contemporary research on Osho,s transcendentalism sparking and igniting a lot of wild debates and controversies enraging a lot many not on board with his preaching and propaganda which they felt ridiculed the face of their faith. In actuality it wasn’t the case as his philosophy was a door to salvation bringing us a closer to our true self which was a treasure wanting to be explored. Sadhguru, Sri Sri Ravishankar etc are some notable saints and seers carrying the reflection of this divinity where being meditative alone without going into any state of mind can take us to the fulfillment and realisation of our merit be it in any sphere. I see a bright spot for Indian philosophy if a little attention is paid to analytically and conceptually align with the integral humanism of different other luminaries and giants keeping in sight the Indian context of defining and redefining perspectives and positions on anything and everything.

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