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A Letter To My Future Self


Dear Future Me,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you from a time in the past, a time when I was struggling through my university days. I want to remind you of the hardships I faced, the struggles I overcame, and the lessons I learned.

I remember feeling like an outcast, like I didn’t fit in with my classmates. I was bullied and made fun of for being different. It was a difficult time for me, and I often felt alone and isolated. But, I want to remind you that this experience helped to shape me into the person I am today. I learned to be strong and to never give up.

I also want to remind you of the importance of kindness. Despite the cruel behavior of some of my classmates, there were also those who were kind and supportive. Their kindness helped me to keep going, and I want to make sure that I always carry that with me.

I know you are educated now and more capable to change the world. Try to help the needy and build a society that is interconnected, a society which is built on basis of love and care for each other.

I also want to remind you of the power of education. I found solace in my studies and it helped me to focus on something positive. I discovered my passion for learning and it helped me to see that there is a bigger world out there, and that I am capable of achieving great things.

In short, I want to remind you that despite the difficult times, I emerged stronger and more resilient. I hope that the person you have become continues to draw strength from these experiences and continues to be a kind and compassionate person.

Always remember that you are capable of overcoming any obstacle and achieving your dreams.


Your Past Self

The writer is host for ThaWave Podcast and campus Blogger for Cavendish University.

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