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Are Women Still Treated Equally In 2022?

The 20th century is known for its massive economic and technological development which ultimately made it inevitable for women to gain equal rights, but are women and men literally treated equally in this generation and age that is all about progress and change? While in 2022 female students have surpassed the number of male students by 9.6 million and Ketanji Brown Jackson became the first black woman nominated to the supreme court in the United States, in other parts of the world women are still suffering considerably. Women in Iran are denied their right to education, work and even the right to choosing their own clothing and women in Ukraine have become more vulnerable to sexual violence and abuse as they are left without the provision of any basic services after Russia’s invasion.

Empowering women in all aspects of life and closing gender gaps has been a huge part of 2022. The number of women seeking education is marginally more than the number of men seeking education which shows their ability and capability and also the possibility of a female dominant future. In the United States where many women were rejected a position in the supreme court just because of their race, this year a black women was given that place which brings in the perspective of a woman of colour into legal matters, minimising the chances of unjust decisions.

2022, from another view point has also seen extensive violence against women. In a century that raves about equality and justice, women in Iran can be beaten or harassed if they choose to be educated or wear a type of clothing they wish to. Iran has become a country dominated by males who have a backward mindset of conserving their women rather than letting them flourish in various facets of life. Women are brutally discriminated as they do not have the right to be employed which depicts the main reason why the country is in an economic crisis. All the progress Ukranian women had made in the past has been destroyed by the act of war. Amidst this humanitarian crisis women are the ones who are affected the most with 90% of the cases of violence being against women.

While women have seen ecstatic achievements in 2022, the brutal behaviour towards women in certain parts of the world makes one question the progress we are making as global citizens. It is high time that the stereotypes of the 19th century are abolished and more liberal ethos evoked. 

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