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Avatar 2: Not Just An Expensive Movie But An Experience Of A Lifetime

Perhaps There Are Two Types Of People: Those Who Innovate And Those Who Imitate.”

While innovators create new things, break new ground, and create their own paths, imitators simply copy them. Uber pioneered the brilliant idea of ridesharing, and for others like Ola and Lyft, Meru has simply followed suit. After Apple pioneered the concept of smartphones, everyone else began to copy it.

James Cameron completely changed 3D movies and the movie-going experience 13 years ago, and everyone from Disney to Warner Bros. simply followed his lead.Well, there’s nothing wrong with imitating others.It’s unwise to keep reinventing the wheel .But when everyone begins to do the same thing, it becomes worst.

After Cameron’s Avatar, there were probably thousands of 3D movies made around the world, including Marvel’s Avenger franchises and DC’s Justice League films. Still, only a few could deliver the actual 3D experience that Avatar left in the audience’s mind. That’s the big problem with being an imitator. Everyone bets on how perfectly you have imitated the former. Barely anyone would dare to stray from the path.

Everyone, including your boss, teachers, and educators, is betting on success hacks and tips. They only push you down paths already littered with “success.” This is most likely why I finally left that job, which only saw me as a humanoid robot.

This is how our success-obsessed culture has stifled creativity and innovation.

So Here Are My Two Cents On Avatar 2

1. Innovation Is Costly, But It Is Worthwhile:

It was a little avant-garde when I pitched for the new marketing campaign, but it was rejected because they don’t want to invest in unproven strategies. That is the first obstacle that every creative mind faces when seeking innovative ideas.

Since Avatar, filmmaking technology has advanced significantly, particularly in the field of green screens. Thanks to the green screen, movies that were previously shot outside in real locations can now be shot entirely inside the studio hall.

Some studios, such as Marvel and Netflix, have notoriously profited from this less expensive option. The damage they eventually caused was that they destroyed the entire 3D film industry. They gave poor audiences no choice but to watch their subpar films and average CGI.

Cameron has defied convention. He was adamant about spending every penny of his budget on innovation. He used his budget to create Underwater Mo-Cap Technology and entirely advanced motion-capture technology. The man has completely reinvented underwater cinematography, and all of his expenses have finally paid off. The audience cherished a one-of-a-kind movie experience.That is the allure of innovation.

2. Efficacy Vs. Efficiency:

One of the primary reasons why people avoid reinventing the wheel is that it takes time. Obviously, innovation requires time, and as someone with an innovative mindset, you must make time for the implementation of innovative ideas. The issue here is that society always values efficiency over efficacy. Instead of how effectively and with what quality you can complete a task, your ability is frequently measured by how quickly you can complete it.

Management places a premium on speed over quality because the faster they can produce, the sooner they can profit.When James Cameron took 13 years to create ‘ 2,’ the most common question he was asked was why the “13 years”? He spent years writing the screenplay for Avatar 2 and then threw it away because it didn’t capture the depth of the story.

He wished to create a film that pushed the limits of human imagination and physical limitations. He wanted his audience to feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration when the characters are flying. He wanted his audience to smell the freshness of earth, and nature when the characters are roaming through the forests.

Naturally, years of creative brainstorming and ground-breaking ideas were required to execute the scenes at that level, and Cameron gave himself and his writers those years. As a result, Avatar 2 has proven to be a Miraculous Cinematic Spectacle that audiences can only experience once in a lifetime.

In comparison, Marvel has released 27 films in the same time span, but none of them has left such an impression that you can recall them even after a year. That is the power of efficacy.

Here Are My Final Thoughts:

Success is something that everyone craves.Success stories are juicy enough, but they require time and innovation. Instead of being consumed by others’ tried and littered methods for success, build your own.Begin to value originality over imitation. The term “innovation” does not imply the creation of the next supercomputer. Even a small amount of effort to do something new outside of your textbook can demonstrate an innovative mind. 

The featured image is for representation purposes only. Image credit- Avatar 2, IMDB
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