India was in turmoil after the unfortunate occurrence of the Nirbhaya case. Concerned like any other parent, Mr. Tarun Mathur, an international chess player and an officer at Air India, asked his daughter, Meharr Mathur, to not go out in the dark because it is unsafe. To which his daughter replied with a statement that would be the foundation for commendable benignity in Delhi.
“Don’t stop me, make Delhi safe!” This statement awakened a new perspective of everything in Mr. Mathur’s mind cultivation of a Non-Profit Organization, Hamari Pehchan which translates to ‘our identity’. He worked to make Delhi safer and help the underprivileged by initiating multiple projects like Project Drishti to tackle with illiteracy, Project Sukhad to fight period poverty in women, Skill Development Project to empower women and provide them with employment opportunities.
Hamari Pehchan is constantly working on eradicating malnutrition and endorse social entrepreneurship in the youth of India by providing various internship and volunteering opportunities which has broadened their reach and the impact of their aid.
In the span of seven years, Hamari Pehchan has educated 11,250+ children, conducted 3,000+ stationery distribution drives, 5,000+ food distribution drives, distributed 50,000+ sanitary pads through 200+ mass distribution drives, , trained 2,000+ women, conducted 300+ skill development workshops, delivered 10,000+ products globally, and provided 50,000+ youngsters with community service opportunities which led to them being recognised and appreciated by various government officials and institutions for their benevolence.
With this initiative, I hope people will get inspired and join their cause in making India a better place for everyone.