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Let’s Talk About Self-Exploration: A Journey Within Us

Imagine, sitting on a bench in your patio with a coffee mug in your hands. It’s winter and the sun is shining above your head, you see a flock of birds migrating and a low breeze passes by.

While thinking of those moments that passed in the blink of an eye, you meticulously analyze yourself, your traits and habits, giving attention to each and every detail- your personal principles of life, the prejudices masked inside you, your presence of mind during a conversation, your judging and perceiving traits and even the way you admire small things in others. This is the starting of a new journey- a journey of self exploration.

In this journey, what you find is a unique individuality that has been living under a rock all of it’s life. In this journey, you find YOU.

I think each one of us, in our whole life, indulge ourselves in a self exploration activity. In this materialistic world, somewhere we all have turned a blind eye to the real meaning of life which lies within a philosophical approach to things.

Self exploration is one such self assessment activity that binds us with the beauty which lies within us. We get to know our worth, our strengths and weaknesses. It makes us human beings a HUMAN BEING, because a person with zero sense of his own self is just a hollow vessel. This cycle of life is not that easy, to be self aware should be our first priority.

Self awareness and self confidence too, go hand in hand. A person who knows all of his strengths can always mould them in a wise way and a person aware of his weaknesses can always learn how to be the better version of themselves. And these things as a whole make a self confident individual who can conquer- if not the world, then at least everything they dream of.

“Self exploration is like diving deep into the ocean, you never know what gemstone you’ll find next.”

Featured image has been provided by the author.
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