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Secularism And Democratic Practices In India


Secularism and Democratic Practices in India

By Kavita Chauhan

Scientific temper and way to disagree with others. Is a well known aspect as we can learn from our constitutional framers’ and old politicians. They have all the patience and true spirit of democratic way to meticulously see the other side of the coins. Be it B.R Ambedkar or Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru and vallabhbhai patel. Each one had their own ideology but personal ideology never had come between the goal of achieving national freedom. They all fought together as a team. But never showed their differences while acting as a team.

Now let’s come to the issues such as hijab and beef eating. Where do such practices go against patriotic sentiments?

But statements against the beefeaters usually come to adopt Pakistan citizenship if you really are fond of beef and all. While the issue of hijab? Is it essential religious practices to abide such hijab attire to sustain the islamic religion.

This is the tug of war between the Hindu and Muslim. What else would it be?

If we trace the history of case laws after independence then the question regarding what is essential religious practices has been addressed by the honorable courts.

The question regarding the secular country as it clearly mentioned in the preamble also states that the state does not come forwards to propagate any religion rather it treats all religions equally.

Religious practices and choice of which religion a person wants is completely the matter of subjective one. There can’t be any fixed rule to be given to all in uniformity. As Secularism also supports it is basically a relationship between man and God that is a direct nexus between God and Human beings without any moderators and priests.

So it is clearly understood that religion is a matter of the individual and nothing to do with what others say. Religion is a philosophy which differs from person to person. For one individual it can be something and for others it could be different. It is a free process to adopt any religious philosophy, nothing to make it compulsory to Belong to any particular religion. It is completely a subjective thing so others can not suggest or recommend religious things.

Secularism is a neutral point towards any religion. Maintaining consonance with others is also that is the core principle of “secularism” .

“Religion is an opium and it destroys the consciousness of humanity” Religion is the sign of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. Karl Marks

Thereby, the state must abstain from participating in the religious practices and maintain a decent distance from the religion. Religion is a person’s opinion and it should not come out at the podium.

What is Buddhism, is it religion or philosophy? As per buddha and his dhamma it reflects its an philosophy nothing like to deal with religious rituals and mythology. It simply tells about the way of life and provides a basic way to lead towards an uncomplex life.

So far I understand through the texts of Babasaheb Buddhism is a philosophy to guide the living way of any human being. It has space for all religions irrespective of caste, class and gender. It does not restrain women from participating in the buddhism practices of nirvana and learning the philosophy of buddhism. As we trace these kinds of hurdles were the part of Hindu religion where women can not participate in various religious practices. But as such no religious or societal deprecation exists in the buddhism. That is the beauty of Buddhism. It emphasizes human equality and oneness, which means it talks about relationships between human beings, sometimes it goes beyond nature and upwards to all creatures of the earth. Here we can recall the incidents of Anguliman “ where buddha accepted him as it was without any prejudices and without thinking what kind of person” similarly when buddha accepts the food from one of his followers and by consuming that buddha gets ill. So these are the few incidents where it can relate that buddhism is a philosophy which does not carry any biases and discrimination.

Unsecular practices are not confined to politicians and political parties only but it dwells among the ordinary citizens also, How ? Yes, it is certainly very natural that the question is raised before the readers – when I was traveling in the train from Mumbai to Chennai for some work. The traveling hours are quite long. It took approximately nineteen to twenty hours. So it gets obvious that people are easily talkative just to escape from the dullness and borning journey hours. So what i observed in the journey people feel convenient and confident to only that person who belongs to their own culture and same mother tongue this is common. And this confidence gets enhanced when people find their own people in terms of the same religious followers. I recall there was one couple who was newly wedded and going somewhere in the south temple. So they are very open and confidently discussing where they want to go and conveniently discussing it with a south indian person, although they were culturally and mother tongue of their had not the same but at some point they relate themselves that was their religious faith. That equation of confidence can not be expected from the religious minority to that extent.

Similarly, when I approached Pondicherry university, although it is inclusive at the time of admission yet there were theirs own kinds of discriminatory practices between the keralaites and Tamil people. I have not understood how these two people are sharing the state’s boundaries but not ready to share their natural resources. One feels superior over the others, which is the real bone of contention. Well, this the example what we common people practices and work under the xenophobia.

Let’s come to the point that politicians and ruling parties work on the matter of religion just to allure their voters in the name of pseudo religion. It can be lucidly explained through the citation of Civil Citizen Amendment Bill the preference of given to any random religion and exclusion of others minority. How do you justify secular states like India?

Maybe the intention was made clear by the Government before passing the Bill to protect the minority people from religious persecution from countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Even though the same question is stuck in mind, why are only these six religions people being protected from the above stated countries? What is the destiny of the other minority who are forced to bear the worst conditions and religious prosecutions? These questions still remain unaddressed even after two years of this CAA. This is a concern of secularism practice; it is a question mark over the issue of what practices we follow regarding the secular. Giving preference to one religion is not a nice attitude to sustain with secularism. Treating them all equally is the best way to lead a secular country. Otherwise the concept of a diverse country will ruin its ethos of democracy where it’s the responsibility of the politicians to maintain harmony among all religious identities and groups. Therefore, the raising of issues such as hijab,beef eating or slaughtering of cows love jihad, and of course ghar wapsi and all waste the nation’s resources and unnecessary creates chaos among the people. Focus must be on how to resolve poverty, employment and the desire to achieve sustainable goals. If the government merely focuses on constructing Ram temple, and reclaiming the Gyanvapi mosque does this type of religious issue eradicate the plight of malnourishment or reduce the rank of India from global hunger index. Let’s take a look at what are the essential religious practices in a country. Yes , religion works to guide the conduct and inculcate the values of humanity and make our surrounding with bosom of peace and caring. That is why under Article 51-A clause (h) basically gives stress on the significance of development of scientific temper and harmony. But in the present time we are just forgetting all the core values that are made to balance in the society.

What preamble try to say to us…

We the people of india having solemnly resolve india into sovereign, socialist, secular democratic republic and integrity and ensure to its all citizens

Justice, that is socio economic and political

Liberty, of thought belief faith and worship

Equality, before law and equal protection of law

Fraternity, inculcate the feeling of brotherhood and dignity of all individuals

Therefore, on the eve of 29th November 1949 here we do adopt, enact and give this constitution to our people.

That means laws are made to ease the life of its people without making any discrimination on the basis of caste, class, gender, religion and location Identity. Therefore, it’s our responsibility too to realize the importance of humanity and live life without any subjectivity.

The recent social media raise the issue or trending a video clip where a teacher of drishti IAS taught in the class in the context of tulsidas and Ramayana character lord Rama where he quote a incident where writer wrote a paragraph over the issue how ram clarify to Sita that Ram did not fought the war for the sake of her love but to protect the honour of his family” further writer wrote as per his subjective mind set which reveal actually the behavior pattern of writer itself “ sita after staying in jungle or at someone else house how could you dare i will accept you- your condition is as similar as licked butter by dog remains in no use for food” so this type of incidents indicates where we are living and how do we react impatiently without apply cognitive faculty. This is the recent another incident which depicts we are lacking scientific temper and how easily get furious over small disaggrement.

One more incident of “the kerala ” a movie. It depicts that people of islam allure hindu girls on the name of jobs and due to this large number of hindu girls has been converted into islam. Without any concrete information such depiction may certainly damage the social and religious harmony between two religions which attracts the 153 A and 153 B of Indian penal code. This movie is yet to be released but what the message it conveys is that it totally widens the trench between Hindu and muslim harmony. So it is against the secular fabric of the india. So this kind of agenda try to tarnish the image of one forward state and attack the opposite government.

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, And the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared” Buddha.


Author: B. R. Ambedkar Followed by: Dr. Babasheb Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches, Vol. 12. Unpublished …

Publication date: 1957

Publisher: Siddhartha College Publications, Mumbai

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