Newcomers festival. The Day of newcomers. The day in which a fresh bunch of students inducted into the course. One of the grand ceremonies in the college. A beautiful beginning of our career. It was conducted exuberantly every year .
Years back, As a first year student, while coming for the Induction ceremony, I didn’t have any idea about it. But was really excited and quite anxious about my new beginning. How will it be? Will I able to manage?
When I arrived at the campus, it was slightly drenched in the morning shower as if nature has purified & beautified itself to welcome us. Accompanied by my family, entered college.
It was beautifully decorated with flowers. A red carpet was laid in the entrance. And there was registration counter near it. I have registered there first. They gave a file with college profile.

Then went inside and was taken to lecture halls. It was not for lectures but for the distribution of white coats and ID cards. In between, interacted with few batchmates and got acquainted with them.
After wearing white coats and ID cards, we were taken to Auditorium where parents were already seated. While entering, we were presented with a bouquet and Dairy milk by seniors.
Felt like the symbol of love and care towards us. Then were seated on green and white chairs. On each chair, a green and white coloured balloons hanged. While sitting on those chairs, felt very special.
After that program began. The induction ceremony was inaugurated by the Deputy speaker of Kerala and there were many other guests on the dias. A lamp was lighted and college profile video was played giving a glimpse of the college.
Then we stood up for the Hippocratic oath and took the pledge without knowing it’s relevance. Now it forms the pillar of our ethical values and accountability towards the patient.
Then we were asked to unhang the balloons unitedly by untangling the thread. The balloons flew high. Another beautiful moment of the event.
After that, program winded up and there was students guidance session. Then, collected the textbooks and leaved the college happily.
Ironically, I entered the college that day with a fresh mind and clear soul. Then white coat was as new as a white canvas. Now it’s not only stained with spattered ink and molten wax but also with unforgettable experiences.
My hands were as soft as a cotton. Now to my astonishment, it has become comparatively more heat resistant and rough with scars of lancet, bp blades and ortho wires.
Within these years, on many occasions, my hands bled to become more skilled and my eyes shed tears to replace it with light of knowledge and confidence. There were many ups and downs.
Also, had many beautiful memories and got a bunch of caring friends. Passed between many helpful seniors and friendly juniors. Was lucky enough to taught by experienced staff. At the end, one thing is definite. I will surely learn to survive.