Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz

Knowledge For The Uneducated Youth

Hamari Pahchan is an NGO, that is dedicated to provide aid to the public sectors of India that are in need of such aid. Hamari Pahchan has multiple areas of where and how it helps people, including Education, Unemployment, Women’s Health Awareness, and Hunger.

The number of children struggling with illiteracy in India is alarming. As per the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) 32 million children in India have never even seen the face of a school. Moreover, the Education Ministry revealed that 29 million children do not have access to necessary digital devices. Current scenario highlights the need to bridge the gap between the privileged and the underprivileged children. 

I have recently been associated with the works of Hamari Pahchan and its causes. I believed in their ideology of providing opportunities to the unprivileged, giving them a shot at life. I have been working under one of their awareness programs, called Drishti Project, which aims at providing Education to the poor, the unemployed, the uneducated.

“To bridge the gap between privileged & underprivileged children”

IIt primarily aims to deliver Drishti Classes with the aid of the internet and gadgets in order to improve a child’s learning experience. Mentors are assigned to groups of children to guide them through the learning process and to ensure that they have easy access to resources.

Donate to help us send a child back to school, back to dreams!

1 Child’s Education = Rs.7500/- a year.

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