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Is Marriage The Only Definition Of Settling Down For A Woman?

You are in your late 20’s doing pretty okay in your life with the vision to work on your real interests and improve in things you are actually interested in. But time and again you are thrown just one question? When are you SETTLING DOWN?! When are you getting married? Don’t you think it’s already too late? 

Of course! I am a woman who is 28, fairly old (according to society) and I need to settle down, right? Despite the dreams, I carry in my heart and vision in my eyes to become the best freelancer and launch my own podcast! Who really gives a damn?! 

In a world where relationships are so volatile and the predictability of a relationship lasting long is too low if we go by stats, we still do not talk about the pressure woman go through for marriage ENOUGH. But who cares! I should have a partner because how else will I survive in a society that is going to grab me by their words and try killing me with their taunts whenever they have the time? Why are the willingness to be on our own still in question and the shell of a husband so glorified?!

I am overwhelmed as I type this because this is the last day of the year and people across the world are waiting to welcome the new year 2023 and so am I. But what am I actually doing? Umm waiting for another sad call from family members about how getting married is so important and the granddad and granny are getting old enough to witness the day blah blah blah, now regardless of the fact that I do not have someone I really want to tie the knot with.

As the new year approaches, we generally make plans to grow, get wiser to make smaller commitments to get bigger results, and repeat the cycle again, do not repeat the same mistakes that made us feel miserable by the year’s end. But trust me, being born in a household in the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh that still believes getting the girl married between 25-28 subsides their responsibility of life and sleeping peacefully feels unfortunate. There is absolutely no issue that comes with marriage for the ones who are ready and see the future with their significant other because their mind allows them to be merry and hopeful for the life ahead. But there are many women who do have an issue with it and it is time we all talk about it.

The major issue with this topic being raised again and again is the tension it creates in the household for no reason known and adds to the already existing issues that life gifts you with. Because there are constant battles that you have with yourself and your parents about it because you fail to explain to them that marriage is not something that you are actually looking forward to but more, there is so much more that you find your sanity and peace in and that maybe now is not the right time and when the right time strikes, they will be the first set of people to know.

This is my first post on YKA and at the moment, I feel this is the biggest issue any girl crossing the age of 28 would mostly go through the four walls of her house and it just gives me sleepless nights thinking about a stranger that might one day hop in and be a part of my everyday life. It is nothing but scary to bits!

Anyway, I hope things get better and I succeed in surviving the marriage wave this year just like this passing year 2022 and I do all that helps me in growing and making small changes that give me great results in the future and of course making my parents believe that MARRIAGE is not what settling down means for a woman. 

Wishing a good life, light, and glory to each one of you reading this. A very happy and cheerful new year to all! 🙂

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