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How She Found Her Way In Life

There are different things that happen in life that affects everything and you have to find out a way that you can get released from all that stress, and someone struggled through all of those. Mehar, she was struggling a lot because she had to find a job for receiving side income in the UAE so she looked everywhere to find a job. She always tried to find a job but whenever she did it was too hard and she couldn’t achieve the goals and do what it takes for the job until she was desperate and searched online and found a job that changed her life forever.

The youth is numbed by such a fast-moving world, its lifelessness, and cruelness which is multiplied by the current media. The youth who is also insensitive towards their own pain, the bigger pain of consciousness, those who have become deaf towards their own inner cry.

The issues that haunted her are that she spent her whole life without singing the song of life,that she is satisfied with her monotonous routine, that people come from offices and are fixed on their TVs or social media, waiting for the females of the house to serve us our tasty dinner and the real problem is that we repeat this routine for the rest of our life.

It was an ad for signing up for free; she was desperate and then she found something that changed her life forever. An online digital business worked from home, she desperately watched the free 90-minute webinar and found that she could do whatever it took. Then it took her a few days to do everything.

Then she thought ,that careless parenting ignoring kids ,that in the worry of making great carriers and that she stop enjoying what she already has .That she has ignored the fundamentals of life, leave alone following the great wisdom of her ancient sages. How can we be so dead, I wonder?

Then she settled everything and wanted to become a consultant she did it and within a few months she was a successful business owner. Today we are talking about the Mehar who had struggled for finding a job but is now a successful online digital business owner in the UAE spending her time equally. Every single person in this world will have a time like that and they will have to accept it and keep going until they find a way out of it.

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