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How Did Syria Become World’s Biggest War Zone?

“I’m gonna tell God everything,” was the last sentence said by a 3 year old Syrian.

Quote unquote for the last 10 years, innocent Syrians have been paying the price of being Syrian.

The so-called faithful and powerful leaders of the world have created a catastrophe that nobody could imagine.

How Has It Been Started?

The fire of freedom from the tyranny – Bushar-al- Asad, Head of Syria had been overspread by a single droplet, Muawiya Siyasne.

Muawiya, an 18 year old boy, had always been inquisitive about listening to geopolitics and other stuff on the radio. Concurrently, political crises were overflowing in the neighbouring countries such that later the tyrants of those countries had to bow down their heads towards their people.

This gave Muawiya a hope about his own country, Syria. Consequently, he and his friends planned to arrange a Black paint bucket even further did write – “NOW IT’S YOUR TURN DOCTOR”.

(Everybody used to call the Asad as doctor as he was pursuing medicine in London)

This was the turning point of the Syrian political crisis, as investigation was carried out and later the people, whose names written on the wall were(even for years) had been summoned and detained.

Surprisingly, children were extremely tortured and beaten until the verge of death.

When the concerned family members used to ask about their children, they were told to forget them and have new children. Humanity died at that instant when they were told if they did not know how to have babies then send their wives to them(police station).

Violent protests erupted in different parts of Daraa. Protesters were not even warned but literally crushed by the tanks. Thousands of protesters died.

But the fire of freedom wouldn’t have to be extinguished so easily. As easily, in other parts of Syria, protests erupted.

Finally govt. had to imprison the children.

Seems to be the end of the story?

Definitely not!

When the children were freed, they were not even able to walk, their nails were uprooted, they had wounds all over their body.

This had enraged the crowd, people went lunatic. This had created a series of protests in max. Parts of Syria.

Involvement of world’s superpowers

In support of govt. :

+Russia- claimed to target terror groups only but actually killed thousands of civilians.

+Iran- in order to support the Shia roots and ideology of Asad family, it had financed billions of dollars on Shia muslim militias.

Against the govt. :

+US- initially, it had financed small rebel groups but later carried out airstrikes along financing the SDF(Syrian Democratic Forces)

The UK and France both followed the same route.

+Saudi Arabia- strange! But in order to counter Iran’s intervention in Syria.

Effects on country:

Imagine the situation of the country and its people. It is beyond horizon to even think of what a political crisis could do to a country.

(i) More than half of the population fled the country and became refugees.

(ii) 90% of the people currently living in Syria are under the poverty line.

(iii) Around 14.6 million people in Syria are in urgent need of humanitarian aid.

(iv) 12 million are struggling for food everyday ; half a million children are chronically malnourished.

(v) 6 out of 6 UNESCO heritage sites have been destroyed completely.

(vi) Syrian currency has lost 80% of its value.

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