Gone are the days when we go out to enjoy , cause people now go out to take pictures and post on there social media handles, we dress up to post , wake up with a like, share it with a brush, bath with comments, Undoubtedly it’s true in the present scenario.
Let’s just be straight, with simple question why ? Can’t we survive without showcasing the places we go, the food we eat, the outfit we wear, the movie we watch and many more. What happiness you must have achieved from it is worth nothing, YES NOTHING! Next time you go out, eat, dress up, watch for yourself, forgetting that you have to shout out loud you have done it, not a command but a free advice.
I never saw people who post about a grand supper but forget to post the nights they slept starving, went for trekking, posted a peak pic view with a caption ‘I rise with sunrise’ why not ‘Fell 3 times to post it here’ remembering a quote “Positive attitude is the best attitude to reach higher altitudes”. Anyways never came across the sleepless nights people spend on getting higher grades. But, that one picture of certificate speaks a lot, forgetting about the report cards which drastically failed, was hidden not just from social media but you know who .
Yet, it feels strange to write about social media on social media, to conclude there is no better decision maker than you, make sure you live your life for you and what makes you happy because you matter (occupy space and has mass) not the posts .
Signing off – Reshu A