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Exploitation To Exploration: Awareness On Human Rights

Human right is the power to recognize what all a human being deserves. These are equally inherent to everyone irrespective of the gender, race, caste, religion, nationality and other sort of relatable united communities.

The spirit of the real success in the protection of these rights is when a human is expected to protect the humanity.

Dignity, Freedom and Justice are the achievements which has its backbone of being aware of one’s lawful righteous rights. Going back to our history, the fight for these achievements had all started when people voiced out for human rights.

The remembrance of the great battles is due to the peaceful environment they had created for us today.

When the legends have made all the paths clear for us, we are still struggling with the inability of deserving self. Because today, it is neither a kingdom nor a country who is our rival. It is we among ourselves who are our rivals. Our mindsets being the most deteriorated part trying to take citizenship.

Domestic violence is pampered because society thinks it to be a part of love. The oppression of employees is tolerated because the society thinks it to be out of responsibility.

The realization of self as a transgender person is treated as a sin because the society thinks it to be against it’s honour. Then who on earth are gonna tell this society that “This is not Okay!!”? The Government? NGO’s?

The answer is simple. It is ‘WE’. We shall be the voice of the unheard and empower the victim by saying,

” You deserve Freedom from torture!

You deserve the Right to work in just and favourable conditions!!

You deserve the Right to Life and Liberty!!!

You deserve the Right to be healthy physically and mentally!!!!”

Right from the Hunter-Gatherers Society to the present Information Society, the definition of Human is same i.e., someone who is conscious and has the power of emotional intelligence. The Knowledge Gap shall be covered by being aware that we all have the right to live at peace.

“The Seven Ages”, a poem written by William Shakespeare is a perfect example that portrays the beauty of human life. The beauty which all of us are meant to experience and rejoice in an equal manner. There’s nobody as inferior or superior.

All of us are gonna die at the end of the play. So meanwhile, let us volunteer in making the world invite a positive change and deserve what we own.

The UDHR protects the value of Human Rights and so shall we.

Let the Vulnerable turn to Venerable.

Let the Judgement turn to Justice.

Let the Fire turn to Freedom.

You own human rights and owe yourself a lively life.



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