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Education – Hamara Aadhikar

India is a country with more than one billion people, and just one-third of them can read. Due to rapid growth of population, children are facing the problems such as insufficient no of teachers, lack of books and basic facilities, and insufficient public funds to cover education costs. According to a study, more than 30% of educational funds are allocated towards higher education, leaving the primary education in India in sway.

India is fourth among the top 10 nations with the highest numbers of out-of children in primary level. Furthermore, the rate of school dropout amongst students is very high. One of the main reasons behind this is poverty. For the underprivileged people in India, education is perceived as a high-priced luxury, and this negative outlook continues on with every new generation. A disproportionate number of total out-of school children in India are girls. What denies equal opportunities of children are serious social issues that have arose out of caste, class and gender differences. The practice of child labour in India and resistance to sending girls to school in several parts of the country remain as genuine concerns.

India’s growth relies on a well- educated and skilled workforce. Improving education is a critical area of investment. In order to bulid India as a consumer market of global standards, it is very important that every child reaps the benefits of quality education.

In order to fight against this serious problem, Hamari Pahchan NGO has come up with a project called Drishti. Under this initiative, they are conducting training sessions as well as informative workshops around themes like personality development, basic communication skills, computing skills and the like for children deprived of the opportunity to develop such skill sets. Till now they are able to educate more than 11250 children and successfully conducted more than 3000 distribution drives across the country. 

If you feel that you can help our children to get the basic right of education, you can donate on this link and contribute towards the society. Remember, our India will be called again as golden sparrow only and only when all the children across the country get the education.

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