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COP-27 Comes Out With ‘The Loss And Damage Fund’

The COP-27 in Sharam el-Sheik, Egypt after two weeks since its commencement has finally come out with ‘The Loss and Damage fund’, an agreement the countries must have come up with years ago as a part of fighting against climate change and the disasters it causes. The COP mainly aims to transform and reduce the global sphere’s carbon emission as a whole.

The Loss and Damage is an action plan to fund the countries that are vulnerable and face the most crucial effects of climatic changes induced by industrialization and other human activities and to support and help in reviving populations who underwent climatic disasters. The fund also looks into the possibilities of developed countries, which contribute largely to carbon emissions and other activities that disrupt the climatic equilibrium to provide finances to developing economies to thrive still while also being in check with their carbon emissions.

These decisions also brought in doubts and queries on the management of the funds collected and these are to be addressed during the next meeting in the UAE in 2023. Other important motives of the COP include cutting fossil fuel dependence, especially coal power used by people all around the world.

Hopefully, COP-27 would look into the overall and exact emissions and damages caused to the climate by each country specifically and using this data assign specific finances they should provide to the fund to compensate for the vast amount of damage induced.

The damage caused by human activities is real and clear as day but a huge amount of people still refuse to acknowledge the disastrous and dangerous effects that can happen and is happening around them.

If you just look back into the year 2022, the list of disasters caused due to climatic changes is very long. Floods in Pakistan and the Philippines, Hurricane Ian in Florida, Landslides in Kerala, and earthquakes in Nepal are a few examples. India is reported to have had localized climate disasters, nearly every day in 2022.

A little bit of caution, care, and responsibility from each individual would make a huge difference in our deteriorating planet. Many still fail to realize that a life without a healthy planet is impossible and neither you nor your future will live if proper steps aren’t taken. It is for you to choose if you want to live your short life with clean air to breathe, trees to find shelter under, peace and happiness, or live a life of misery caused by the wrath of nature.

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