The BJP MP from Arunachal said, “Repeated incidents like this on the McMahon Line is bad for India-China relations. The work done by PLA is very wrong. Because our Indian soldiers are standing on the border.”
Several soldiers were reported injured in a clash between Indian and Chinese troops along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Arunachal Pradesh’s Tawang sector. According to reports, a befitting reply was given to this sudden attack by the Chinese soldiers. While 20 soldiers were injured from the Indian side, the number of injured Chinese soldiers is said to be more than double. Meanwhile, BJP MP from Arunachal East Tapir Gao has given a statement regarding this incident. He has said that Indian soldiers will not retreat even an inch from their land.
What Did The BJP MP Say?
BJP MP Tapir Gao said, “I have come to know that some soldiers of the Indian Army have suffered injuries, but the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China has suffered more. Indian soldiers will not move an inch from their land. This act is condemnable.” He said, “Repeated incidents like this on the McMahon Line are bad for India-China relations. The work done by PLA is very wrong. Because our Indian soldiers are standing on the border. No matter how much China tries, we will give a befitting reply to their every move.” Giving information about the latest situation, Gao said that Indian Army, ITBP have all joined Tawang. At the moment the situation is sensitive, but normal. Whatever happened, it is not right. It is not possible that we will be beaten by you. We will respond with the same force as you act. Our Indian Army is ready there.