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An Initiative Towards Elders

Age may not be just a number. This number reflects different phases of a human’s life and different levels of humanity exercised by humans. The lower the number, the more innocent and easygoing the person; the higher the number, the more pragmatic the person. When the number is the highest, the crankiness and expectations are the highest. The underlying factor of the elders’ crankiness is expectation. These expectations are not utterly irrational. Elders have tirelessly worked throughout their life. As the years of life accrue, it is very natural to have expectations because they have bestowed a good number of years to life. Isn’t it our moral duty that we as their children respect their past efforts and care for them in the present? We owe them, don’t we?

How evil it is for the elders to take time to comprehend things, how evil it is for them to question repetitively? We did exactly the same when the number of years for which we inhabited the Earth was the minimum, but they were never vexed by our childish behavior. Dying every single minute is way more aching than dying all at once. Elders die every minute when their children abscond responsibilities and leave them reclusive and their world, secluded. Every mother and father burns the midnight oil for their kids, as per their capacity. Hence parents are no different, even when they are not ours. It becomes our moral duty to look after those who have been abandoned. For the sake of humanity, we need to cater to the needs of those who have nobody acquainted with them. It is a gracious act to lend a shoulder to someone. Physical hardships do not break a person as much as emotional hardships do.

Buy owing some visits to these souls, which have been this deceived in one way or the other, satiates these souls to a great extent. For instance, during COVID, HAMARI PEHCHAN NGO reached out to needy elders and distributed comfort kits. Such a small act emanated a satisfactory response though, it was ephemeral but it was there. It is a proven fact that people with dementia also live the beautiful moments of life when they are into that. They may not be able to retain the memory of the relishes but they live it. So, reckon the response of non-dementia elders if dementia patients share the happiness. This also shows that a little financial assistance has the potential to resolve materialistic needs, and also bring a little grin on the destitute faces. For more such smiles for more blessings from the aged, and for the sake of humanity, philanthropist Hamari Pehchan NGO has been on its toes and is putting its best foot forward. Many general souls have been partners in this benevolent mission, and we hope many more such souls will accompany us in the future.

It has been so good so far for further betterment. I would like to introduce a new concept and would urge Hamari Pehchan NGO to work in this field. As orphan children need to be nurtured, and for that, there exists the concept of adoption of these children. Similarly, what if there is a concept of adoption of parents? Where people, who are orphans or who can and wish to have parents, can legally adopt parents exactly the way people adopt children. This will be killing two birds with a stone. These elders will be taken care of alongside having the motive to live life further on the one hand and on the other hand, people without the benediction of parents will get the deserved love and affection.

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