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Young Climate Activists Raise Their Vital Voices At COP27

Several other youth climate activists are attending COP 27 in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh. Despite the absence of Greta Thunberg, they are stooped entirely into the hard-edged voice over climatic factors globally. In an elevated, living legend kind of way, their presence at the world-level summit becomes more valuable and vital amid the worse climatic conditions.

Though Swedish campaigner Greta Thunberg remained in straight focus on her support of the climate cause she stays away from the COP 27 summit this meditation of conference. Following her strong accusation of the United Nations Organisation for inkly green-washing during this magnitude, she has taken up the matter differently.

The dominant name of 20-year-old activist Xiye Bastida from Mexico gets all the significance. She happens to be at the venue to there to explain before the decision-makers that whatever should be, nature must be protected at all costs. While talking to BBC News, she told that she was comfortable with the progress so far taking place in Egypt. She expressed satisfaction at the inclusion of loss and damage on an important footing in the current agenda of the summit. Importantly, the reasonable terms pertain to money – as some form of compensation or reparations – for the effects of climate change on developing countries that did little to cause the problem, as BBC reported.

However, another name 24-year-old Scottish lady Mikaela Loach also deserves mention. She vented her sentiments by uttering that she was worried at leaders’ efforts that were seeming a bit less devoted. She cleared that they were not fully committed to climate action that amply prioritises justice or human rights.

“Not all climate solutions are good for people. It’s not just about cutting emissions, we must frame all our work about people and the world we are creating,” she told BBC News.

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