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Why I Think That Animals Are Better Than Fake People

Now I will tell a story about the relationship between a human and an animal. It’s a matter of time .there is a boy and a girl they are good friends and after some time boy’s feeling change for the girl and he wants to propose to the girl. So one day, he proposed a girl, but the girl rejected their proposal, and after that, the boy was very depressed he started to live alone.

One morning he was walking on the road he saw a dog. The boys decided to pet that dog. That dog was very caring, and when no one was with those boys, the boy felt alone and depressed. But at that time, the dog was always with the boy. After some time boy realised animals also have feelings. They feel all things when I’m sad. When I was happy, he sometimes realised animals are better than fake people.

Featured image is for representation purposes only. Image credit – Unsplash
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