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From Ashoka To Gandhi, They All Taught Us About The Importance Of Peace

The importance of peace in our lives: What role does peace play in our society? How does peace construct the world? Why is peace the only path?

Rome was not constructed in a day, to begin with. We are aware that building a city the size of ancient Rome requires patience and perseverance. But how is this goal accomplished? It is reached through peace, and I feel that only in times of peace can one think critically and feel inspired to create.

The world as it is today was founded during a time of peace and will continue to develop in the future because peace always leads to prosperity.

Does internal peace influence the outside world? Can someone’s change of heart have an effect on the outside world? One of the many examples is M.K. Gandhi, whose change of heart when he was a teenager changed the course of history.

The peaceful South Africa was moulded by Nelson Mandela’s transformation.

Ashoka was altered by the Kalinga conflict, and today everyone can observe Buddhism in Southeast Asia and everyone associates peace with Buddhism.

They all came to realise they had internal peace at different times in their lives and in very different circumstances.

We are aware of how this works from the inside out, but the scenario one faces in life is where the process begins, and afterwards, the person chooses the path of peace naturally by himself.

Inside of our heart and mind is where peace originates and peace never ends. It will spread from one person to another. We can see this from the life of Buddha too.

By conversing with someone who is at peace, we might just feel peaceful. So remember, all the chaos of the heart will be gone when internal peace is on.

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