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How Is The Woman To Blame For The Child Not Being Born?

Children are most popular for humans. Because the shadow of every human being’s own past and tomorrow is visible in the children. That’s why all human beings are very concerned about the future of the child and are always ready for it. From time immemorial to the present day, among the most beautiful creations of God, children are kept at the top.

I have a lady friend named Pakhi Kumari(name changed) she tells what kind of situations she is facing to have a child. She got married in 2013 and she along with her husband made sure that they would enjoy the marriage for 2 years and then try for a child. But unfortunately he could not get success till now.

Taunt Of Society For Child

She says that not a day passes without the so-called civilized society taunting them for having a child. Some say that she has become excessively fat, that is why the child is not being born, while some say that she was already sterile.

Family Taunt For Baby

Pakhi tells that her mother-in-law has to hear the child’s cries soon, for this she constantly instigates her son, ie Pakhi’s husband, and says to leave him and marry another so that the dynasty can increase. Pakhi’s husband’s behavior is also full of indifference.

Pakhi Is Torn Between The Child And The Treatment

Despite all the above circumstances, Pakhi did not lose courage and started getting treatment for the child by saving money from her work, but could not get much success.

Problem In Establishing Sex Between Husband And Paakhi

Pakhi says that her husband does not even feel like having sex. He always feels tired and upset. After consulting a doctor, it is confirmed that his sperm count is very low, due to which Pakhi’s chances of getting pregnant are slim. This is also a big problem, but how to convince the so called male dominated society and family. This is a challenge for Pakhi.

The Child’s Infatuation Forces Pakhi To Have An Extra Material Affair

When there is no way left for Pakhi, in the end Pakhi had an extra material affair with a worker in her own organization and established sexual relations with them so that a child would be born which would bring peace to the so-called civilized society/family and lead her household. Can start life

Looks Like Even The Rule Of Law Is Against Pakhi

After all these efforts, Pakhi became pregnant but Pakhi’s body was not ready for this, due to which the child left this world after a few days after being born.

Conclusion: Life of any woman is so challenging that she is not able to handle herself. And this so-called civilized society, which is affected by patriarchal thinking, creates new rules, due to which women have to undergo fire test every moment. Pakhi Kumari is also a human being of flesh and blood of this female world, who is going through so much torture because of not being able to give birth to a child. While the whole world knows that the child can be taken forward only with the consent of both the man and the woman.

Featured image is for representation purposes. Image credit- Pexels
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