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How Groundnuts Can Be A Substitute For Dry Fruits On Weddings

Traditionally, dry fruits in a large-sized metal rounded utensil used to be sent to the relatives’ houses on the marriages. Since the prices of dry fruits like cardamom, cashew nut, almond, walnut, raisin, pistachio, and others are going higher, there has started a fresh trend of dispatching groundnut as a solidly strong substitute. 

It is utmost astounding to learn how does the change in their thinking come to linger? The restriction on the additional expenses has now been constantly becoming our priority. Inflation has led families to think quite differently. They are not finding themselves financially sound enough to cope with the mounting pressure of price rises. 

That is why the usual tradition of sending costly gifts to relatives before the solemnization of marriage seems to be highly hit by the hydra-headed monster of inflation. Given the huge desire for sending attractive gifts, there has now begun the idea of seeing cheaper articles in gifts on the occasion of the wedding day. Is it not exactly so?

That’s why relatives’ attitudes towards their very presentation of not-so-costly gifts are being witnessed. Without any sense of doubt, they have changed their previous perception of delivering quality items. It is perceived through the delivery of inferior items being selected for the occasional gifts. They are now saying that we restrain from stooping to choose costly dry fruits to present as an auspicious gift. 

Relatives are not minding at their smaller expenditures on the wedding ceremonies. There is a sharper diversion in their thoughts at the choice of gifts. They have to keep in mind the size and cost of the gift before presenting them to relatives. Amidst inflation that continues to climb day after day, they are supposedly bringing in continuous shock that is perfectly noticeable nowadays.

They are bargaining more, searching for less-expensive substitutes for everything from guests to jewelry, and cutting costs any way they can. It astounds how much wedding costs have duly been raised, said a family where the marriage has been due to take place soon. The marriage must be based on limiting the expenses on various heads, as they maintain.

Featured image is for representation purposes only. Image credit- Pexels
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