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Delayed Break Timings Can Cause Traffic Jams Near School

In the hours following a school break in the afternoon, the traffic mess is noticed owing to the comparatively ample crowd surging over delayed school break daily. 

This not only irks the guardians coming to collect their different aged wards but also forces them to remain stuck in a traffic jam on the road in front of the school’s main gate.

Sometimes it has been seen junior boys even get hurt while moving forward. Where does this kind of mess routinely occur reportedly? There was no way to prevent the mess from taking place. 

The school authorities appear to show the least care in sticking to the exact timings of the school break. This looks like a disorder but sometimes these things do happen and there is nothing anyone hastens to prevent. 

Echoing their sentiments, the guardians expressed if the school break timing has been declared, the delay should be fully checked. Ten to fifteen minutes delay raises jams as vehicles cover enough space on the road. It is an embarrassment, but what can we do? 

There was not nothing that was going to hold this aberration snarling and killing a lot of time if that is what they do not want. The humble guardians are having an eye on this very erratic disorder for the past time. They refer to the uncontrollable situation as rather mercilessly helpless. 

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