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Institute of Home Economics: My Safe Space, My Second Home

Institute of Home Economics

When I was a school kid, I was always told that it was my second home; the only difference was that I never felt the warmth and closeness in those 14 precious years of my childhood. I expected the same when I applied for college at Delhi University, but I guess times do change, right? I remember one of these pleasant memories, amongst many, I had of my college when I entered it for the very first time. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to be admitted there and initiate my journey of building a career. But I clearly remember how I felt entering my college, the Institute of Home Economics, University of Delhi. I felt like I had come back home! The bright sunshine was a comforting hug that reassured me that I belonged here and this was my place. I decided to continue here at that moment because I could feel the vibe.

The most beautiful part of my college journey is that in all those years, I always felt that I reside here. Meeting such a fantastic group of classmates and supporting teachers made me feel like I have always known them. IHE (Institute of Home Economics) did change my lifestyle, but more than that, it changed my personality for good and made my perceptions profound.

Changes Within And Change Around

Getting out of my comfort zone: I was an introverted kid who feared not only expressing opinions but also her mere feelings. I am a single child, so I always had the back of my parents, and I did not feel the need to do certain things because I thought they would take care of the rest. So, getting out of my comfort zone started with taking a metro ride alone or negotiating auto fares with auto vale bhaiya was also a milestone for me. Not only did I become a pro at sharing feelings but was also trained to voice my opinions confidently. Conversations were broad-minded, non-judgemental, and positive, and I will always be grateful to my professors and friends for that.

Setting up a healthy routine: College was also an essential part of my journey of independence. Independence is not only what you do outside your home but also taking care of your routine and health. Getting up on time, fixing my room, and setting up my bag were all small things, but they made me feel like I was now a big girl, ready to go out and rock it! I understood that it was my responsibility to take care of myself and my family because that is an essential step in growing up!

Freedom with fear: Although I was really happy that I was finally doing a lot of things on my own although whenever I got out of my house, there was a touch of fear that I carried with me, the anxiety for the day. I missed home during some moments, and on some days when I was proud of myself, I also wished my parents to be around with their big smiles and bright faces cheering me up. I had all the freedom to do whatever I wished for, but I found ultimate happiness in eating pani puri almost daily outside the college.

Growth, grudges, and a girl’s college: While filling out my application, I was sceptical about one more thing, which was handling the grudge fudge in a girl’s college. I was always in a co-ed school and had my apprehensions about joining a girls’ college. Will there be catfights? Will I have grudges in mere three years? But to my surprise, it was more of a safe space for me, a place for growth, where your classmates cheered the most for your growth and hard work than any other person. They were proud of each other and kept pushing each other to do even better. After that experience, if you ask me now, I can say that women can support other women. And if you are with the right people, there is no scope for grudges; like adults, you can solve what’s bothering you by just talking it out.

There are various phases in our lives; some of those can glimmer your face with a radiant smile, while others can rip your heart into million pieces. I am glad that my campus has given me all the memories I will cherish until I am alive.

Thank you, my safe space, IHE (Institute of Home Economics), for believing in me always.

Featured image courtesy of IHE.
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