Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz


A hand holding a smarphone, which has the YouTube icon on the screen.

From an Abhisar Sharma to Prasoon Bajpai most of the mainstream news anchors have made their visible presence and audience base on YouTube channels throwing their weight on public agenda thoughtfully analysing and evaluating by clubbing data in their arguments which are not simple and plain assumptions. Fourth estate of democracy is gradually waning, weakening and crumbling with corporate houses taking over the content of the news rooms mellowing and diluting it as per their whims and fancies making it extremely challenging for an ordinary viewer to distinguish and demarcate truth from reality fading into fictions with facts becoming a casualty. I find it intriguing when prime time shows and programs pick up on government,s side rescuing from putting forth the genuine grievances of common and ordinary affecting the neutrality, transperancy and accountability of these channels siding with power wielders. Such a sad state of media will persist until and unless those within the system don’t speak their mind on the road ahead, Ravish Kumar may be an exception but for the rest peeling of the skin in which they often find themselves is very important for their own integrity and self respect journalists who walked out of a chaos are chasing the myths and hypes of a system both oppressive and exploitative in organisation and operationalisation 

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