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What Does A Mother Think Of The News?

Woman writing in her notebook

By Divyansha

News is information about current events. It is represented in different ways, like by printing, writing, oral, etc. It includes various topics like debates, wars, the economy, sports, entertainment, politics, health, education, etc. Every human has a different point of view about the news. And today, I am here with Mrs Rozy Mahan, a teacher who has something to speak up about her views on the news.

About The Interviewee

Rozy Mahan is an experienced teacher. She has a huge interest about to know about current events. I chose her as an interviewee because I think she is the one who has knowledge about media, events, etc.

Let’s begin the conversation…

What do you read in your spare time?

Rozy Mahan: Whenever I have spare time to relax, I go through the headlines of newspapers and sometimes novels too!

That’s great. Does reading help you to learn? If yes, how?

Rozy Mahan: Of course, yes! Reading has changed a lot in me. I have heard that reading helps us to improve both mentally and physically. It raised my self–esteem, communication skills, and many more. It helps us to learn about the world.

What’s the first book you read in your life? What’s your opinion about that book?

Rozy Mahan: As I was a fresh reader…I first read my all-time favourite book, The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. It inspired, motivated and strengthen me. I love the quote which headed, “Whoever is happy will make others happy”. This small sentence has a huge meaning. I get terrified whenever I remember the incident which took place with Anne. I would 100% recommend this book.

Do you think everything in the newspaper is true?

Rozy Mahan: I don’t think that everything is true in the newspapers. Sometimes the news is so cheesy that it feels like it is not a real event that happened. Some media channels are biased toward only one political party. For example, channel Kal Tak is biased toward the party ‘Mij’. The people who have been watching the Kal Tak channel for months or years now have set their mindset and believe whatever the channel says. I want to say that the media shouldn’t be biased. No news should be paid for whether it’s about newspapers or channels. That’s all I want to say.

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