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Wondering How To Help Stray Animals? This Article Might Help

dogs killed in odisha

dogs killed in odisha

In India, there are almost 80 million stray animals, and the population is only growing because there isn’t the necessary infrastructure or funding to keep it under control. Transferring this surplus population to overflowing shelters forces them to put down the animals.

Although the fate of stray animals is terrible, have you ever questioned why there isn’t a reliable stray management system in place? Spaying and neutering laws, educational initiatives, and the ability to rehome stray animals into shelters are all present in nations with manageable stray populations.

Unfortunately, only a few countries have stray management rules, and India is not one of them. As a result, many stray animals on Indian streets require rescue. You can help manage our strays safely until appropriate protocols to deal with them are established. 

In this article, we will understand the following: 

Stray Animals Meaning 

There are stray animals all around the world, even close to us. The fascinating aspect of these creatures is that not all animals you encounter nearby are stray animals. A stray animal does not currently have a known owner. 

Domestic animals left to fend for themselves on the streets are known as stray animals. Have you ever wondered why you may never hear of a stray pigeon yet almost certainly have heard about a stray dog or cat?

Since cats and dogs are the two most commonly adopted animals worldwide, owners are accustomed to having them indoors. However, a stray cat or dog is different from a cat or dog living outside. Every cat or dog owner has a different motivation for wanting their pet to remain outside.

Some people might prefer to keep their pets outside for hygienic or security concerns. However, these outdoor dogs stay close to their homes and are fed and taken care of by their owners. On the other side, stray animals are not housed or given any human attention. Instead, they may be adopted by a good human being and live and eat on the streets.

Many animals stray because their owners abandoned them or because there were too many kittens or pups born from several pregnancies. In addition, pets that go missing and have no identity might turn up as stray animals. For this article, we will focus mainly on stray cats and dogs. 

How To Help Stray Animals

You care about animals, but do you know how to help stray animals such as dogs or cats? Your actions may play a key role in helping an animal live a good life on the streets. Alternatively, you can assist the animal in locating a devoted and secure forever home.

Secure the animal

If you see an animal, stay put and don’t let it out of sight. Be persistent and patient, as many stray dogs and cats are afraid of people. Think about getting a can of wet food to attract animals and an animal rescue kit to transport it. If you encounter a young animal, search the area for the mother and any possible siblings.

Check for tags and injuries. 

Once you’ve managed to get the animal to safety, look for any apparent wounds and check for identification. If the animal has a tag with a phone number, call the number mentioned and set up a reunion. If the animal is hurt, take them to the closest shelter immediately.

Spread the word

Create a flyer and distribute it within a 2-mile radius of where you found the animal if you took it to a shelter. Include a picture of the animal and your phone number on the flyer so the guardian can call you. Keep in mind that we are frequently the only allies and greatest hope for survival for animals.

Feed and care for them

Feeding stray animals at a specific time each day might be challenging. Provide stray animals with food and drinks for them outside your house as an alternative. Exercise caution and care when placing food for pregnant dogs and puppies because they are more susceptible to adverse reactions. Feed them sensibly by avoiding fatty and spicy foods, which are bad for them. Dairy products should also be avoided because they are not very palatable to animals’ digestive systems.

Adopt community strays 

Desi Indian cat and dog breeds might not be as attractive as pedigree breeds, but they are more immune and adapted to the local climate. Adopting them entails letting in more sunshine and making space for a new family member. They are also just as devoted.

Consider fostering animals until you can commit to becoming a full-time pet parent. Then, you can locate the ideal home for your foster pet with the aid of neighbourhood NGOs and animal lovers.

Spaying and neutering stray animals 

Without spay and neuter programmes, stray animals frequently face euthanasia, mistreatment, or disease-related death. For the management of stray dogs and cats and associated disease control concerns, sterilisation is essential. 

Animals can acquire or develop a range of potentially deadly health issues and transmissible diseases as a result of being intact and reproducing, such as pyometra, TVT, and reproductive malignancies. When the animal is spayed or neutered, these hazards are removed.

How To Help Stray Animals By Volunteering 

Another method to help stray animals is to provide your services to such organisations. Animal welfare organisations are always looking for volunteers who can aid them in telling compelling tales and raising money through photography, writing, social media advertising, etc. Volunteering doesn’t entail going out of your way to find lost animals to help and shelter. 

Volunteering at an animal shelter will benefit you and the fuzzy babies. Make a positive influence in the lives of those who give you unparalleled joy! These shelters allow you to adopt puppies as well. Here is a list of places around India where you can volunteer with animals.

  1. Red Paws Rescue, Delhi
  2. Animal Aid Unlimited, Udaipur
  3. People For Animals, Bangalore
  4. Friendicoes SECA, Delhi
  5. Stray Relief and Animal Welfare (STRAW) India, Delhi 

Raise Awareness About Stray Animals 

Mistreatment of stray animals is unfortunately very common. Whenever you see someone treating animals cruelly, it’s simple to spread awareness about it, know your legal options, and report the occurrence.

Even while it’s hard to stop every crime, the least that can be done is to inform people about the rules against animal mistreatment. For example, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, which includes guidelines for feeding and caring for stray dogs, protects stray dogs.

Whether we realise it or not, animals significantly impact our lives and the environment. It is in our best interests to assist them in whatever way we can. One of the most enjoyable activities you can engage in is helping needy animals. 

The slightest things can significantly impact the life of the animals in the shelter. You can still assist even if you cannot volunteer or foster them. For example, when you donate to help animals, you have a significant impact.

I hope this article helped you understand how to help stray animals and care for them. Do you have any experiences where you cared for a stray animal? Write down your story and raise awareness by publishing on Youth Ki Awaaz!

If you have any more questions, please drop them in the comments section below. I will be sure to answer them! 

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