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“News Is Something Somebody, Somewhere Wants To Suppress”

By Harshita Singh

As a part of the Re-imagining Media Program, we were asked to interview someone we know about their relationship with the news. News is one of the greatest means of communication between people and the world. In addition, they are also a great medium of knowledge. We get our daily dose of news from newspapers early in the morning. It is quite a reliable source which gives us information only after thoroughly investigating the information.

I chose to interview my sister because she is someone who doesn’t fear to raise her voice against injustice and is an extremely self-confident person. She loves to know about things in a profound manner, and when asked about her relationship with news, she gave excellent responses.

Harshita (Me): Tell us more about your relationship with the news.

My sister: Well, I feel reading the news should be a part of our daily activities because it keeps us aware of the activities happening around the globe.

Harshita(Me): What type of content do you like to consume the most and the least?

My sister: I usually like to read about international agendas, which are talked about in UNICEF daily, and I also like to explore new content on discoveries done by various scientists on space and galaxies. To be very honest, I don’t like to read about politics and the film industry. That’s because it makes me feel awful and disgusted. These politicians provoke innocent people to fight against each other in the name of religion. They do all this just for themselves. They don’t even think about the people who get affected by all this.

Harshita(Me): Ok! And what about the film industry?

My sister: These so-called celebrities whom we consider our role models are not deserving of that position. I don’t know why the media and common people are so much interested in the lives of celebrities. They show that they care about their audience, but they want to earn money. The media don’t show us their real face, and they always keep us in the dark.

Harshita (Me): What are your views about fake news?

My sister: Fake news is something that annoys me the most. I remember one time my aunt shared a news article stating that getting our vaccination dose during periods can affect our body, and I was like, how?

Harshita (Me): Did you stop her from spreading the news further?

My sister: Yes! I did. I told her that this news was fake and explained to her how periods have nothing to do with our vaccination dose.

Harshita (Me): That’s great! How can you inspire more people to raise their voices against something wrong?

My sister: I will inspire people by telling them that if we do not raise our voices for ourselves, then no one else will. Mahatma Gandhi also said that “Be the change you want to see in the world.

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