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Opinion: “Muslims Should Stay As Far Away As They Can From Judging”


None has done more damage to Islam than Salafi Scholars, that beyond my competence to say, but to a very great extent that’s very true. They have gone to extremities in declaring innovation (bid’ah), completely ignoring mubah (things that are not prohibited or asked to do) and gave tool to every tom dick and harry with a mobile phone and two books the authority to declare deen (the religion or belief of a Muslim) beyond their competence. I can quote things of many salafi writers that is in direct contradiction to Quran because they thought in their opinion so to be right. Astaghfirullah (seeking forgiveness from Allah i.e., god).

Deen is allowing scholars to have debate on things that are not clear. There have been difference of opinion on same things and stark difference between Abu bakr Siddique RA and Umar Farooq RA, are we or anyone has the competency enough to question either? Deen is not going into extremities. Especially when scholars dispute something. You can’t know for sure who has the right arguments. If you believe so, you’re an ignorant and you promote difference in deen and this is extremely prohibited. Try not to argue on things scholar themselves dispute for your and good of religion.

Just two very famous examples from Islamic History on understanding of Deen and I am saying daringly that one can side with any of the opinion but can’t even in dreams say other one was wrong and I dare say that this should be stand of a common man on all things in dispute among today’s scholars.

1) The Incident of removing Khalid bin Waleed RA as the commander of forces and appointment of Abu Ubaidah RA, both among the greatest ten companions. Abu bAkr Siddique RA and Umar Farooq RA have stark differences. Who was wrong? Anyone?

2) Rasool Allah Planted a Tree. Umar Farooq RA came to Khalifa-e-Rasool and asked the tree to be cut down. He angrily refused and asked how dare he suggest that. Umar Farooq RA became Amir-ul-momineen and ordered the tree to be cut. Who was wrong? I don’t think anyone can even think of saying either of them was wrong.

Stay away as far as you can from declaring and judging.

Please formally educate yourself in Islamic Studies and then speak up and share opinions. Until then, you’re just an amateur reader of Islamic Studies, tell everyone things that are not in dispute and share stories and commandments from Quran and Hadith and educate people. Your rightful stand in your opinion brings out dispute among Ummah (the Islamic community) and that’s on you on the day of yaum. Beware!

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