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How Journaling Has Helped Me Reinvent Myself

I have been journaling for the past eight months, and a vivid picture of how I changed over these months always makes me proud. I was a perfectionist who wanted everything to be perfect. Waiting for the “perfect time” turned me into a procrastinator. After post-graduation, I decided to take a break from everything, including social media. Taking a small break from a “normal” life or routine is not at all encouraged in our society. But it was a small attempt to reinvent myself as I had been grappling to figure out what was happening in my life. I knew I was going with the flow without realising what I enjoy and my actual potential. It felt as if I was caught between social pressure and everyone else’s opinion. Let me tell you how journaling gives me the courage to move on my path without letting others make decisions for me.

During this time, I started with morning pages, a type of journaling that uses the stream-of-consciousness technique. Allowing myself to release everything that has been clogged in my mind gives me a fresh start every day. My journal has become my best friend who doesn’t judge me for the decisions that I make in my life. Bullet journal helps me to organise and plan my life, including day-to-day activities. It helps me to prioritise things that give value to my existence.

I love being in company with myself and have had enough time to reflect on myself and get rid of the people-pleaser in me after disappearing for many months. I think detachment is as important as attachment. It was a great realisation for me to know how I would react and behave when I’m alone. Instead of waiting for someone else’s validation and approval, you should embrace your individuality.

Through journaling, I have been unmasking myself and letting myself acknowledge my fears. Because if you first acknowledge your fears, it will be easy to overcome them. For that, I created a self-development plan for myself, focusing on each area of life. I have always thought that reaching a destination is vital. But as I have come to know more about myself, I have learnt that everyone is evolving and life should not be a destination to reach.

This time helps me to unlearn the lies about friendship, career, relationships and many other areas of life. Living in the present without expecting anything from anyone might be a difficult task for many people. But I think this is the most important lesson one should learn. Last but not least, I got the courage to say, “Yes, I am a work in progress person!”

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